OK, after about 20 attempts at getting in a run in N99 tonight, and beeing
screwed by the stupid behavior of the AI cars, I'm now officially sick of
the AI in the NASCAR series of sims.
I'm sick of the cars unnaturally speeding up and slowing down on pace laps,
I follow about 20 car lengths back, and still the AI manage to stop suddenly
enough to get me to hit them.
I'm sick of the AI cars crashing into me on pit road.
I'm sick of the AI cars swerving unnaturally in turns, and knocking me into
the wall.
I have tried different AI from various sites, and while some are better than
others, the same things seem to happen, which leads me to think that the
problem lies deeper than just the .lp files.
I have purchased full retail versions of N1, TrackPack, N2, BGN, N99, ICR1 &
2, GPL and WILL NOT buy another Papy sim unless the vast majority of RAS'ers
state that the AI is improved. Yes, I'm pissed off and Im pissing here, but
the AI seems to be getting worse with each retail patch of the nascar line
from papy.
I'm now pointing my *** ***to New York, in papys general direction.
(the nudity part)
Now, back to racing.