I'm sick of Papys AI

5th Docto

I'm sick of Papys AI

by 5th Docto » Wed, 23 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Warning, this posting may contain *** language and partial nudity...

OK, after about 20 attempts at getting in a run in N99 tonight, and beeing
screwed by the stupid behavior of the AI cars, I'm now officially sick of
the AI in the NASCAR series of sims.

I'm sick of the cars unnaturally speeding up and slowing down on pace laps,
I follow about 20 car lengths back, and still the AI manage to stop suddenly
enough to get me to hit them.

I'm sick of the AI cars crashing into me on pit road.

I'm sick of the AI cars swerving unnaturally in turns, and knocking me into
the wall.

I have tried different AI from various sites, and while some are better than
others, the same things seem to happen, which leads me to think that the
problem lies deeper than just the .lp files.

I have purchased full retail versions of N1, TrackPack, N2, BGN, N99, ICR1 &
2, GPL and WILL NOT buy another Papy sim unless the vast majority of RAS'ers
state that the AI is improved.  Yes, I'm pissed off and Im pissing here, but
the AI seems to be getting worse with each retail patch of the nascar line
from papy.

I'm now pointing my *** ***to New York, in papys general direction.
(the nudity part)

Now, back to racing.


I'm sick of Papys AI

by Key_Bor » Thu, 24 Jun 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 22 Jun 1999 23:42:02 -0700, "5th Doctor"

>Now, back to racing.

What are you racing....... Pole Position ???  :)


Toni Lassi

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Toni Lassi » Thu, 24 Jun 1999 04:00:00

In general, the AI was improved between N2 and N99; however, because
the double file restarts and Papy solving the AI cars bunching up by
giving them mega-brakes caused this problem they are apparently
unwilling or unable to solve.

We'll see if N2000 is better, hopefully it's not all eye candy and

Tim Wheatle

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Tim Wheatle » Thu, 24 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Maybe just me, but AI in GPL is real good.
Chad Roger

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Chad Roger » Thu, 24 Jun 1999 04:00:00

I agree Tim, AI is very tough in GPL, in fact the best finish I have ever
got was 3rd place, and I'm damm happy about that (PRO).

Chad Rogers

>Maybe just me, but AI in GPL is real good.

David Mast

I'm sick of Papys AI

by David Mast » Fri, 25 Jun 1999 04:00:00

>I agree Tim, AI is very tough in GPL, in fact the best finish I have ever
>got was 3rd place, and I'm damm happy about that (PRO).

Sometimes I think "good AI" is confused with hard to beat competition.  One
can just crank up the power/speed/brakes/whatever of the AI and they can then
be a handful.  But that doesn't make the AI convincing or realistic, or (by my
definition at least) "good".  Now GPL may very well be "good".  But I don't
think the AI in N99 qualifies.  I'm no real NASCAR fan, but in a race, I see
cars sometimes 3, 4 or more a***.  I see judicious use of drafting.  I see
passes when the opening is barely given (sometimes when it isn't).  When I go
to N99 to replicate this, I see mostly single file, some double-file.  If I
shut down the inside, the AI gives up.  Basically, they seem pretty much
oblivious to what is going on around them.  I'd call that poor AI.  Now if I
set them to 110% (heck, 100% will do), I'll find them "tough".  But not good,
not convincing, and not really that fun.
Tony Jeste

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Tony Jeste » Fri, 25 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Race the AI in GPL???  What an interesting idea.  I'm going to have to
try that some day when I have time, like when VROC goes down :)


> Warning, this posting may contain *** language and partial nudity...

> OK, after about 20 attempts at getting in a run in N99 tonight, and beeing
> screwed by the stupid behavior of the AI cars, I'm now officially sick of
> the AI in the NASCAR series of sims.

> I'm sick of the cars unnaturally speeding up and slowing down on pace laps,
> I follow about 20 car lengths back, and still the AI manage to stop suddenly
> enough to get me to hit them.

> I'm sick of the AI cars crashing into me on pit road.

> I'm sick of the AI cars swerving unnaturally in turns, and knocking me into
> the wall.

> I have tried different AI from various sites, and while some are better than
> others, the same things seem to happen, which leads me to think that the
> problem lies deeper than just the .lp files.

> I have purchased full retail versions of N1, TrackPack, N2, BGN, N99, ICR1 &
> 2, GPL and WILL NOT buy another Papy sim unless the vast majority of RAS'ers
> state that the AI is improved.  Yes, I'm pissed off and Im pissing here, but
> the AI seems to be getting worse with each retail patch of the nascar line
> from papy.

> I'm now pointing my *** ***to New York, in papys general direction.
> (the nudity part)

> Now, back to racing.

Tony Jeste

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Tony Jeste » Fri, 25 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Race the AI in GPL?  Now that's an interesting concept.  I'll have to
try that someday, like when VROC is down :)


Tim Wheatle

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Tim Wheatle » Sat, 26 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Naa, the AI in GPL is good AND difficult.
Sebastien Tixie

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Sebastien Tixie » Sat, 26 Jun 1999 04:00:00

Hi !

i've a question about AI in GPL ?

Do the AI in GPL are subjected to the physics model ?

I think not, i've seen several times AI pass me where it's impossible to not
crash into the wall.
i've pushed AI from the rear and recover there cars good on track of impossible

I know well AI, i'v done those of V-Rally2. The difficulty it's to make AI that
are good enough
and use good trajectories.

Sbastien Tixier - Game Developper

Neil Rain

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Neil Rain » Sat, 26 Jun 1999 04:00:00

> Hi !

> i've a question about AI in GPL ?

> Do the AI in GPL are subjected to the physics model ?

> I think not, i've seen several times AI pass me where it's impossible to not
> crash into the wall.
> i've pushed AI from the rear and recover there cars good on track of impossible
> way.

> I know well AI, i'v done those of V-Rally2. The difficulty it's to make AI that
> are good enough
> and use good trajectories.

Apparently the AI cars use a simplified version of the physics model
that the player does, so I guess it's inevitable that sometimes they can
do things that you can't.

On the other hand, a lot depends on your own setup, and what you're
doing with the throttle and brake at certain points - I remember I
always had major problems coming over the bump at the end of the
Andretti straight at Mosport until I realised that I needed to release
the brake (just for a moment) when I went over it.  The AI cars just
seemed to cruise over it, but of course you can't tell whether they
momentarily release the brake or not.

It's certainly true that the AI can recover unreasonably quickly when
they've spun off.

On the whole they seem pretty realistic to me, except that they are far
more consistent than all but the very best human drivers.

Richard G Cleg

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Richard G Cleg » Tue, 29 Jun 1999 04:00:00

: Apparently the AI cars use a simplified version of the physics model
: that the player does, so I guess it's inevitable that sometimes they can
: do things that you can't.

  I find this a bit irksome sometimes - especially coming into
Parabolica at Monza - it's so common to be rammed from behind because
the AI can brake much later than it's possible for me.  Is this what
everyone else finds or am I just braking to early?

Richard G. Clegg     Only the mind is waving
Dept. of Mathematics (Network Control group) Uni. of York.


Andre Warrin

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Andre Warrin » Tue, 29 Jun 1999 04:00:00

The late braking of the AI in the Parabolica will be fixed with the
1.1 patch.


>: Apparently the AI cars use a simplified version of the physics model
>: that the player does, so I guess it's inevitable that sometimes they can
>: do things that you can't.

>  I find this a bit irksome sometimes - especially coming into
>Parabolica at Monza - it's so common to be rammed from behind because
>the AI can brake much later than it's possible for me.  Is this what
>everyone else finds or am I just braking to early?

>Richard G. Clegg     Only the mind is waving
>Dept. of Mathematics (Network Control group) Uni. of York.


Michael E. Carve

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Michael E. Carve » Tue, 29 Jun 1999 04:00:00

% : Apparently the AI cars use a simplified version of the physics model
% : that the player does, so I guess it's inevitable that sometimes they can
% : do things that you can't.

%   I find this a bit irksome sometimes - especially coming into
% Parabolica at Monza - it's so common to be rammed from behind because
% the AI can brake much later than it's possible for me.  Is this what
% everyone else finds or am I just braking to early?

This is being addressed in the fabled 1.1 patch.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Robert Grave

I'm sick of Papys AI

by Robert Grave » Tue, 29 Jun 1999 04:00:00

What about Surtees, will he still be there, that "/$%?&? of a recless

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