On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 00:09:08 -0500, "Marc Collins"
>In terms of turning, I can only assume that you didn't notice that the
>default steering ratio on the big tracks is the slowest in the game (32).
Yeah. I noticed that, but what I mean is that the car simply won't
turn - you end up with a nice long trail of skidmarks from your
outside tires as the car skids happily into the fence. I've looseened
the car up as much as is humanly possible and it still does this at
the speeds the AI races at 100%. As I mentioned earlier, real life
laps in a draft are around 47 seconds, in N2003 the qualifying laps
are in the low 46's even on a clear sunny day. After going back to
N2002 I really wish I could pump the "aero push/loose" effect back up
to the levels in the N2003 demo (and the non plate tracks) and lower
the restricted engines output by a tiny bit (and/or add some drag).
I'm assuming online from what I've seen that the cars don't travel
fast enough in a draft to generate laps in excess of 200mph. I
believe the times I've seen quoted for the fast setup were in the mid
45's. Against 100% AI I've pulled 44.0's.
Anyway, I think a lot of the pushiness that people are attributing to
setups and "aero push" is actually the result of the excessive speeds
the cars are carrying into the turns. This observation extends only
to the plate tracks (altho I fear the speeds people are doing at
Atlanta/Michigan/California). In the previews for the sim, the Jasper
engineer indicated that the extra torque/horsepower would not result
in an increase in top speeds because of the added downforce/drag, but
it seems that's not the case at all.