128Mb RAM and Vodoo Banshee 16Mb Video card.
I've been trying to get GPL to work and I just can't get it to stop locking
up. It locks up anytime you're sitting in the car. The screen just freezes
but the sound still goes on so you know that the game is still running but
the Video is jammed.
I tried running different rezolutions and that makes no difference.
btw, GPL is patched to 1.2, I thied the Glide fix for Banshee cars (the one
that runs GPL menu screens in a smaller window), putting gilide2x.dll (2.53
as well as 2.50) into the GPL folder, tryed reinstalling the drivers as
well as 3dfx reference drivers. None of these fixed the problem ... if
anything, putting Glide2x.dll into the GPL folder stops the GPL running in
3dfx mode?!
Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
David Mocnay