REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

D L Galp

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by D L Galp » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

I seem to remember that 23/16 worked best - got down to 1:23.8 I think.
I still have a BBC Master poked in a corner to run this and a teletext
adaptor. Anychance of converting it for running on a PC? F1GP has taken
over now, and my machine can't cope with an Indycar race. (it's only
a 386SX20 - practice is OK). Here's hoping....


REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by jbb1.. » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?
>Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 11:12:55 GMT
>>Hmmm - 1:22.9 eh? Well, my best time is 1:24.0 dead, done with 24,17.
>>The discovery that Woodcote can be done in fifth was rather important
>>in hacking the time down. Im impressed that anyone could stay on the
>>road in fifth with 15/12! By the way - does anyone else play with
>>The fastest time I know of (bar this 1:22.9 one) is 1:23.9, set by
>>a friend at sixth form.
>I seem to remember that 23/16 worked best - got down to 1:23.8 I think.
>I still have a BBC Master poked in a corner to run this and a teletext
>adaptor. Anychance of converting it for running on a PC? F1GP has taken
>over now, and my machine can't cope with an Indycar race. (it's only
>a 386SX20 - practice is OK). Here's hoping....

Aaah, the good old days. Think I used something like 24/16, as for times I
don't know. Which bend was Woodcote? Oh, and I played it with the joystick,
never did manage to control it with keyboard.

Ben Blaukopf

Andy Jacks

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Andy Jacks » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

: >I was just wondering whether anyone out there was/is an avid player of
: >Acornsoft's REVS, the c. 1985 F3 simulator for the BBC B/Master.

Yeah, it started me on Racing sims too.  What was REALLY amazing was how
good the actual driving simulation was - considering it was on a machine
with 32k!  OK, so there was no scenery, but I'd MUCH rather have a good
sim with no scenery than a poor one with great graphics.

One good thing about it was that it used an 'older' layout for Silverstone.
This did not have The Vale, or the new Bridge context.  So at the end of
the lap you could JUST ABOUT steam through the last corner (Stowe?) flat
out in 5th.  The problem was that if you clipped a kerb at that point youd
take off and land where the Grandstand should have been!

Andrew Jackson.  (Bracknell, Berkshire, England).

Christopher Hartl

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Christopher Hartl » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

What would I am sure make a lot of people very happy, is an Arc or
RPC version of REVS. But, and this is the BIG but, will it be
like so many conversion from the BBC, ie.. poorly presented and
not taking the game to the place where gameplaying is at now.
    What the acorn scene really needs is a few games which grab people
by the throat and impress them. Apart from SF 3000 which did this to
some extent, I dont know any games that have done this. And when
friends invite me to play games on their PC's, I *am* impressed, the
graphics are supurb, and the sound is excellent, but what a lot
of them are lacking is game play.
    REVS has the potential to do both, the game play is already there,
don't touch it, it was excellent as it stood, but lets just get the
front end up to a *really* impressive level. Decent texture mapping
and shading, multiplayer modes over serial and ethernet, impressive
sound. Nice 3D scenery. Make the crashes look like crashes, not just
a splat of *** on the steering wheel.
    If someone says the Arc isn't upto it, then write it for the RPC!
we *NEED* this level of game to appear.
    On a similar note, why cant Chocks Away have a major enhancement
for the RPC, take a look at TFX for the PC, the graphics are *NICE*, and
there the processor is doing far more complex simulation calculations
    Flame if you like, but anyone who has seen decent games on the
PC, and I don't mean just Doom and Descent, will know what I mean.

                 CCCC         HH
              CCC    CCC     HH                 II
            CCC             H                        
            CC             HHHHHH    R RRRR   II      SSSSS
            CCC           HH   HH  RR     R  II   SSSSS
             CCC   CCCC  HH   H   R         I       SSSS
              CCCCCC    HH   HH  RR        II    SSSSS  


Fraser Mun

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Fraser Mun » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00


I am also a great fan of REVS, having bought
the REVS 4-track pack produced by Acornsoft/
Superior. A great game, but a little tricky
to master.

Anyway, could someone please point me in the
direction of a good c64 emulator and REVS
code, so I can run it on my pc? ( by good,
I would prefer one where you can caliberate
the speed it runs at ).



REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Bert » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

Speaking of which, did you ever put your car in reverse when in pole
on a novice race and pile into all the other cars??? I used to push
the 'dead' cars round the track to form road blocks to knock the
other cars off!!! Hell of a way to waste an afternoon!


Mars B

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Mars B » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

: Yes, I agree entirely - Revs is still the best racing game around,
: and is one of the few things I still go back to my old BBC Master for...

Hmmm... better than, say, Virtua Racing, or Ridge Racer?

Ridge Racer kicks ass. If anyone converts it, I'll pay for it :)


Jeremy Coo

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Jeremy Coo » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>>Yes, I agree entirely - Revs is still the best racing game around,
>>and is one of the few things I still go back to my old BBC Master for...

>>Would anyone like to confirm/deny the story that the games circuits
>>were created by going out on the real things with giant tape-measures
>>and those things for calculating the radius of a curve from looking
>>at it... ?

>Never heard this one. See no reason why not: they are damm good

>>>get my Silverstone (the old Silverstone beloved of Alain Prost with a
>>>Stowe and a Chapel that were worth going round) time down to something
>>>like 1:22.9. I must look up my old times and get round to posting them

>>1:22.9 ? Are you using the infamous Replay 6th gear? Or just an
>>unbelieveably good driver?

>>Without the aforementioned cheat (best use for Replay I've yet found...),
>>my times have never gone below about 1:24 ... but with it, I can get to
>>1:30.0 (ish - it's quite some time since I played, so I'd probably be
>>slower now...)...

>>                        Sayonara, Chris/Ranma...

>I would of course like to believe I am an unbelievably good driver!
>Certainly I have never heard of (much less used Replay). I used to
>follow the David Hunt tutorial religiously as far as Silverstone was
>concerned and I got down to about 1:24.2. Then someone pointed out
>that Woodcote could be taken in fifth gear - I had been taking it in
>fourth. This knocked about 1 sec off my previous time. I believe that
>I then tried this with 20/16 or even 15/12 wing settings and
>predictably flew off the track more often than not. However, when I
>did set a time it was, I think in the high 1:22's. I am certain that I
>could get well down in the 1:23's.

>Come on REVS players: we know your out there. Join the thread!


Yeah boy. I haven't played REVS for years - ever since I twiddled with the
inside of our ModelB and rogered the Omega-5 board. But yes, brilliant. I do
however, recall making the mid 1.23's, but only if I got the chicane just
God, the memories...


Tim Moo

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Tim Moo » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

: I was just wondering whether anyone out there was/is an avid player of
: Acornsoft's REVS, the c. 1985 F3 simulator for the BBC B/Master.

: It was by Geoff Crammond who later wrote MicroProse's F1 game for the
: PC. IMHO,, it remains the best single-seater simulator for any micro,
: not so much in terms of Graphics/Sound/Bells & Whistles but very much
: in terms of car control and the kind of empathy it inspires between
: driver and road. Believe me, when the car is about to loose grip and
: fly off the road, the good driver almost feels it and lifts off.

Any one, by any chance, got it to work under the Beeb emulator (the Acorn
one)? and perhaps has a copy, or instructions for how to get it to work?
BTW, what's happened to the other beeb emulators that were being done?
Any possibility of a 'snapshot' based one?

Also, that would be a cool game to convert :- F1Gprix!
Perhaps MicroProse could be twisted in favour of licencing due to
Mr. Crammonds previous Acorn history?? ;-)

 Name : Tim Moore  (University of Portsmouth, Milton, Portsmouth, UK)

N S Walke

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by N S Walke » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

: > I don't know how anyone manages to race with wing setting below
: > thirty - I inevitably caused a horriffic multi-car accident at
: > the start whenever I tried it...

I used to race with a 10/4 setting. Wasn't great round the corners, but
fast in a line. :-)

: Speaking of which, did you ever put your car in reverse when in pole
: on a novice race and pile into all the other cars??? I used to push
: the 'dead' cars round the track to form road blocks to knock the
: other cars off!!! Hell of a way to waste an afternoon!

You mean there's another reason for the novice mode? :-)

---- __ - __ --------------------------------------------------
    |  \ |  |    GM>CS$ d? H- s+:- !g p? !au a-- w+
    |   \|  |    !v C+++ S++ p? L 3 E- N+++ K- W---
    |  |\   |    M- !V -po+ Y+ t 5-- !j R- G? tv b+
    |__| \__|    D+ B-- e* u+ h-- f+ r* n- y?


REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by JJF » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

> : I was just wondering whether anyone out there was/is an avid player of
> : Acornsoft's REVS, the c. 1985 F3 simulator for the BBC B/Master.

> : It was by Geoff Crammond who later wrote MicroProse's F1 game for the
> : PC. IMHO,, it remains the best single-seater simulator for any micro,
> : not so much in terms of Graphics/Sound/Bells & Whistles but very much
> : in terms of car control and the kind of empathy it inspires between
> : driver and road. Believe me, when the car is about to loose grip and
> : fly off the road, the good driver almost feels it and lifts off.

> Any one, by any chance, got it to work under the Beeb emulator (the Acorn
> one)? and perhaps has a copy, or instructions for how to get it to work?
> BTW, what's happened to the other beeb emulators that were being done?
> Any possibility of a 'snapshot' based one?

I think writing a snapshot-based emulator would be okay, but
actually using it whilst any commerical software (e.g. BASIC, the
Operating System) was running would be HIGHLY illegal.  Yes, I
know that Speccy emulators can load snapshots, and that snapshots
of Speccy games are available, BUT the Speccy OS has been put into
the Public Domain, and most publishers of Speccy games have either
gone bust or just don't care about them being pirated.  This doesn't
make it okay or legal, though.

P.S. Does anybody find the first corner of Silverstone a touch hary?
I often seem to just fly off here. (Well, I had to get a mention of
Revs in here somewhere!).

P.P.S.  Someone please convert Revs to the Archie.

Martin H

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Martin H » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

Yep.  I could have a conversation with someone (while driving) and when they
left, I'd have no idea where I was, and invariably go into the crash fence
at Woodcote.

On Novice, I could be lapping people in 3.5 laps.  I could get lap times
under 1:20.00.  I could even get round the track on wing settings of 1,0.

HA!  This was all (of course) on Silverstone.



Martin H

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by Martin H » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

> Well, seeing as you asked.....

> My fastest lap time at Silverstone was 1:21.3. It did involve
> taking the chicane flat-out in 5th though :-)

Beat you.  I think I got down to about 1:19.6.  I certainly got under 1:20.0.
Once again, this was taking Woodcote in 5th.

Corners & gears in order:

Copse 3rd (Wing settings were too low for 4th)
Maggots 5th
Becketts 2nd (Wing settings too low, and it gave me plenty acceleration)
Abbey 4th (Told you it gave me plenty acceleration)
Stowe 4th
Club 4th (3rd if I went in badly)
Chapel 5th
Woodcote 5th (Usually 4th - you had to get it DEAD right to be faster in 5th)

I never read up on it, but it seems right.  I ran on 8,6 for some time, and
dabbled with 4,3; 4,2; 2,1 and 1,0.  4,3 gave the best times, but was
slippery as hell.  On the other hand, I was revving over 6000 in 5th on
the approach to Woodcote :-)  (The wiggly one for those who don't remember)

        Roadkill cat!  Aaaggh! :-D



David Paul Gym

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by David Paul Gym » Sat, 20 May 1995 04:00:00

>> My fastest lap time at Silverstone was 1:21.3. It did involve
>> taking the chicane flat-out in 5th though :-)
>Beat you.  I think I got down to about 1:19.6.  I certainly got under 1:20.0.
>Once again, this was taking Woodcote in 5th.

Okay, so who's gonna start a Revs Hall Fo Fame? :-)

I pulled a C64 emulator or two yesterday off the net but didn't manage
to get revs before the FSP server went kaboom. Can anyone tell
me what the difference between Revs and Revs 2 is?

-- Gizmo
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William Turn

REVS - Geoff Crammond's Best?

by William Turn » Sat, 20 May 1995 04:00:00

>> My fastest lap time at Silverstone was 1:21.3. It did involve

>Beat you.  I think I got down to about 1:19.6.  I certainly got under 1:20.0.

Right, time to dust off that ol'BBC...

BTW: How many people played it on keys & how many on joysticks?

I used keys, but about a year ago, I connected a steering-wheel
and pedal set up. It really shows how good the simulation is, as
you can easily powerslide it around corners! Great fun, but it
doesn't do much for the laptimes :-)


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