> - The AI in F12002 is rubbish. Even GP2 is better.
Really? Is it worse than F12001? I didn't mind the AI in F12k1 that
much after the first patch, except for a few turns at a few tracks (of
course, the important ones, like T1 almost anywhere). I ran a few
races at Monaco in 2k1 yesterday and there were something amusing
about seeing cars doing barrel rolls in T1.
Hm. I have to disagree with you, altho I'm not going to flat out say
you're wrong. I find the sensation of speed in Papy sims to be what I
would expect if I were driving a car at 150-200mph with blinders on.
If you alter the POV in GPL you can get the same sensation of speed as
in F12k1, but I also find it impossible to drive from that
perspective. Whether the increased sense of speed in F12k1 is due to
a different POV, as you say "correct 3d scaling", or an exaggeration
in 3D scaling, I don't know. I'm just speculating here.
I actually did a test one day because I was thinking about this and
wanted to prove it to myself, so I drove down the local highway at 3
in the morning doing around 70-80 with a pair of glasses setup so I
had no peripheral vision. And I'll be damned, what would normally
feel like a decent pace (in a Plymouth Renault, mind you) suddenly
seemed like riding a turtle. If you look straight ahead, in the
direction of travel of a car, and completely ignore what's in your
peripheral vision, it seems like you're not moving. The floaty
feeling of skipping along tarmac in a soft suspension car at that
speed reminds me very much of the Papyrus stock car model as well,
altho obviously I can't make a perfect comparison without having
driven a stiff-chassis stock car on a real track at high speed.
Hm. The only thing I've never really liked in GPL is that you don't
need to do anything with the clutch when you're braking. I don't race
professionally so I'm not going to speculate on whether the
throttle/braking problems, but what you're saying makes sense based on
my basic understanding of car physics. I would expect braking with
the throttle open to be more difficult. I'm going to have to play
around with that a bit because honestly while I use my left foot to
brake I don't have very good technique at all when it comes to using
both pedals effectively. I don't doubt what you're saying here at
all, tho.