% I purchased the Thrustmaster Formula T2 -- as part of Computer City's closeout
% sale. However, when I opened the box, I noticed there was no software bundled
% with it. Being an absolute novice at this -- did I get the shaft on this deal?
% -- or, am I simply supposed to plug it in and expect it to work? The latter,
% I might add, has not resulted in anything.
I am not sure, but I thought you should have gotten a diskette with some
sorta files (though you really don't need much). For help head to
You should also get TM's ProPanel (not needed for Win98) at
There is a great DOS utility called TMScope at
% Before closing, I'd like an informed opinion as to what is considered the most
% compatible (among the many available racing games) steering wheel setup on the
% market.
Thrustmaster created the steering wheel setup and most of the racing
game developers work with them when they code their software. However,
most wheels are designed to work with most sims. Some of the
FF wheels may not work with older DOS only sims.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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