And then there was "Ferrari Grand Prix" by Donald A. Hill, Jr., 1986,
for b&w Macs. The color version (16 colors; no, not 16-bit color) came
out in 1992. It included a track editor (no scenery, unless you count
white fences and green grass -- oh, yes, there was a horizon editor,
too), 8 cars, multiple viewing angles, replay and "head-to-head racing"
via serial. Wore out a mouse or two on that one. We've come a long way,
thank God!
>And pitstop 2 :-)
>Don't forget the wonderful Formula 1 on ZX Spectrum 48K
>Play Formula 1 :-)
>>Who Remembers Pitstop on the same platform ?
>>You had to fill up your own fuel in the Pits, if you forgot about the fuel
>>filling while you were changing your tyres, it would dump the lot on the
>>ground and you would have to start filling it again. :-)
>>Also the tyres would get a yellow stripe on them, then a white stripe and
>>then POOF !!!!
>>Your car would pull itself over to the curb, that was it , end of race,
>>if you were 2 metres from the pits.
>>Very frustrating, yet very ***ive game.
>>Broke an average of 1 Joystick per week playing it :-)
>>>>Revs+ was also released on the C64/128 platform a little
>>>>later and was extremely ***ive. Very immersive and
>>>>IMO better than GP3 or 4.