> hi,
> just a word for all of you that
> downloaded the video and got problem
> to uncompress it.
> 1. I verified the files and tried to play
> the video witx XingMplayer (PC) and Mp (Amiga)
> boot worked well.
> 2. To be sure that the files you downloaded are
> ok, use : arj t sgvid.* this will check for
> file integrity
> 3. We where in a hurry to put the page with
> the files to download for you and put the wrong
> decomp options for ARJ, the correct one
> is more like arj e -v -y sgvid.
> (thanks remco Moedt!)
> 4. For those of you who tried arj e sgvid.*, look
> like the problem was that DOS, didn't pass
> the files in the correct order to ARJ.
> 5. Why using arj ?
> Because at the time i made the video, i couldn't find
> how to split file with ZIP without using disks :-(
Nope, didn't work. Here's what I got:
U:\Upload>arj e -v -y sgvid
ARJ 2.50a SHAREWARE Copyright (c) 1990-95 ARJ Software. Dec 12 1995
*** This SHAREWARE program is NOT REGISTERED for use in a business,
*** government, or institutional environment except for evaluation
Processing archive: SGVID.ARJ
Archive created: 1996-07-03 12:23:20
Extracting RES.MPG Bad file data, Continued on next volume, CRC
Bad header
Also Winzip 6.1 reports a 'bad header' ...
Henrikki (Hena) Hakkanen Tel. +358-(9)0-345 5538
------- The best way to accelerate a Mac is 9.81 m/s2 --------
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