Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

Mark Fiel

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Mark Fiel » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Hello everyone,

     Please visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page.

The address is:

Please go take a look at the Daytona Patch Software Project page I have,
and if you are a track programmer,  please help me and sign up for
programming job!!

See you at the track,
Mark Fields


Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by neype » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00


just uploaded the first MPG video of
our game at our WEB site

Please note:
1. The mpeg stream is not time code corrected
   so, by no way the video represent the frame
   rate ou the actual game.
2. The shawdows of the cars are not activated
   so don't flame us with remarks like:
   The cars are flying...
3. If you want more videos, email me.

4. Screen shots are coming...

5. Thanks for reading...

Any comments are welcome.

Nicolas Eypert
Starting Grid Developer
Visiware France.

Kyle Steve

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Kyle Steve » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Anyone else out there having problems getting past the "Bad Header"
CRC Error check when you run "ARJ e SGVID.ARJ"?

I've downloaded all of the files, and the .ARJ file a couple of times
now, but I still get the same error.

Anyone gotten past this point?


Bruno Amara

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Bruno Amara » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

I also got the error on both the first .ARJ and the .A01 file. What a damn
waste of time. If they are going to post something they should at least
make sure it damn well works first instead of making us waste our Internet

> >hi

> >just uploaded the first MPG video of
> >our game at our WEB site

> Anyone else out there having problems getting past the "Bad Header"
> CRC Error check when you run "ARJ e SGVID.ARJ"?

> I've downloaded all of the files, and the .ARJ file a couple of times
> now, but I still get the same error.

> Anyone gotten past this point?

> KS


Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Ke » Sun, 07 Jul 1996 04:00:00


>>just uploaded the first MPG video of
>>our game at our WEB site

>Anyone else out there having problems getting past the "Bad Header"
>CRC Error check when you run "ARJ e SGVID.ARJ"?

>I've downloaded all of the files, and the .ARJ file a couple of times
>now, but I still get the same error.

>Anyone gotten past this point?


Same thing here.......
Andrew Langl

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Andrew Langl » Sun, 07 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Why can't all software companies have PR like this !  


Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by neype » Tue, 09 Jul 1996 04:00:00

just a word for all of you that
downloaded the video and got problem
to uncompress it.

1. I verified the files and tried to play
   the video witx XingMplayer (PC) and Mp (Amiga)
   boot worked well.
2. To be sure that the files you downloaded are
   ok, use : arj t sgvid.* this will check for
   file integrity
3. We where in a hurry to put the page with
   the files to download for you and put the wrong
   decomp options for ARJ, the correct one
   is more like arj e -v -y sgvid.
   (thanks remco Moedt!)
4. For those of you who tried arj e sgvid.*, look
   like the problem was that DOS, didn't pass
   the files in the correct order to ARJ.
5. Why using arj ?
   Because at the time i made the video, i couldn't find
   how to split file with ZIP without using disks :-(

Any more questions:

Nicolas Eypert
Starting Grid Developer
Visiware France.

Clark Arch

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Clark Arch » Wed, 10 Jul 1996 04:00:00

 >just a word for all of you that
 >downloaded the video and got problem
 >to uncompress it.

Just tried your new instructions, but still no luck.  I keep getting a message
about bad header (CRC failure); this includes using arj e -v -y sgvid.  What
version of arj did you use to create the files.  I wonder if the one I grabbed
off the net is a different one.

Clark Archer    Speed Tribe
IVGA #3920      1996 Lola Honda Firestone


Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by neype » Wed, 10 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> >hi,
> >just a word for all of you that
> >downloaded the video and got problem
> >to uncompress it.

>Just tried your new instructions, but still no luck.  I keep getting a
>message  about bad header (CRC failure); this includes using arj e -v -y
>sgvid.  What  version of arj did you use to create the files.  I wonder if
>the one I grabbed  off the net is a different one.
>Clark Archer   Speed Tribe
>IVGA #3920     1996 Lola Honda Firestone


we used the arj v2.51

try: arj t sgvid.*

to test files integrity.

I'm downloading the files myself
to test, i'll post here
when completed.

Nicolas Eypert
Visiware France.


Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Hen » Wed, 10 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> hi,
> just a word for all of you that
> downloaded the video and got problem
> to uncompress it.

> 1. I verified the files and tried to play
>    the video witx XingMplayer (PC) and Mp (Amiga)
>    boot worked well.
> 2. To be sure that the files you downloaded are
>    ok, use : arj t sgvid.* this will check for
>    file integrity
> 3. We where in a hurry to put the page with
>    the files to download for you and put the wrong
>    decomp options for ARJ, the correct one
>    is more like arj e -v -y sgvid.
>    (thanks remco Moedt!)
> 4. For those of you who tried arj e sgvid.*, look
>    like the problem was that DOS, didn't pass
>    the files in the correct order to ARJ.
> 5. Why using arj ?
>    Because at the time i made the video, i couldn't find
>    how to split file with ZIP without using disks :-(

Nope, didn't work. Here's what I got:

U:\Upload>arj e -v -y sgvid
ARJ 2.50a SHAREWARE Copyright (c) 1990-95 ARJ Software. Dec 12 1995
*** This SHAREWARE program is NOT REGISTERED for use in a business,
*** government, or institutional environment except for evaluation

Processing archive: SGVID.ARJ
Archive created: 1996-07-03 12:23:20
Extracting RES.MPG        Bad file data, Continued on next volume, CRC

Bad header


Also Winzip 6.1 reports a 'bad header' ...

Henrikki (Hena) Hakkanen               Tel. +358-(9)0-345 5538

------- The best way to accelerate a Mac is 9.81 m/s2 --------
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are mine and does not
            necessarily reflect those of my employer!

Clark Arch

Visit my NASCAR Racing/Indycar Racing II Sim Page

by Clark Arch » Wed, 10 Jul 1996 04:00:00

 >> >hi,
 >> >just a word for all of you that
 >> >downloaded the video and got problem
 >> >to uncompress it.
 >> >
 >>Just tried your new instructions, but still no luck.  I keep getting a
 >>message  about bad header (CRC failure); this includes using arj e -v -y
 >>sgvid.  What  version of arj did you use to create the files.  I wonder if
 >>the one I grabbed  off the net is a different one.
 >>Clark Archer   Speed Tribe
 >>IVGA #3920     1996 Lola Honda Firestone
 >we used the arj v2.51
 >try: arj t sgvid.*
 >to test files integrity.
 >I'm downloading the files myself
 >to test, i'll post here
 >when completed.
 >Nicolas Eypert
 >Visiware France.

OK, I saw your message about this "feature" in Netscape so I'll download IE
and try it with that.  Pretty sad for Netscape, though.

Thanks for your help,

Clark Archer    Speed Tribe
IVGA #3920      1996 Lola Honda Firestone is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.