Do they have an arcade mode for NRO?
I've had my fill of AA 500's and I'm not good enough for the cream of the
crop. Arcade fits me well.
Do they have an arcade mode for NRO?
I've had my fill of AA 500's and I'm not good enough for the cream of the
crop. Arcade fits me well.
Hey Qaz. TEN is able to run an arcade forum, but so far they've only set
up simulation arenas because that will be the focus of competition. I
believe they'll open up an arcade arena once things start to settle down,
especially if some interest is expressed in arcade racing. So far, with
over 300 concurrent people online every night, the folks at TEN have been
kept pretty busy just ramping the service up, so you might want to wait a
couple weeks and then bring up the subject again.
You should give TEN a try, I believe you'd be pleased with the quality of
racing as well as with the large number of competitors available. I know
you've been a LAN and modem racing fan since NASCAR II was released, and if
you liked that, I think you'd like the NROS on TEN.
regards -
Charlie Heath / Papyrus
Also large number of boneheads try to cream your ***off