% I'm hoping that I'll find someone else out there who is using the Thrustmaster
% Nascar wheel with GPII and has managed to figure out how to get through the
% GPII calibration with split pedals (ie brake on joystick B), as I'm having a
% hell of a time with it. If you have a Thrustmaster Nascar, and you have some
% idea of how to do this, please read on.
I use this configuration and it calibrates fine for me. However, like
the other poster, I am also using Thrustmaster's ACM card. Run TMScope
and post your readings (min and max) for the various axes, this way we
might be able to determine if an adjustable game card would help.
I know it's really stupid to ask, but you did specifiy "device driven"
when you calibrated in GP2? If I remember correctly, TM suggests you
select each device by axis. All I remember doing was saying that it
would be device driven in GP2 and when through the motions.
Is this in a pure DOS environment or a DOS box in Win95? If the latter
try in in a pure DOS environment.
Jus curious, can you setup GP2 up with the pedals set to combined? If
so, I really think you should be able to get it to work with them set to
separate. At least I sure hope so.
% I can certainly see *why* it would fail; because the brake is on Joystick B,
% both the full down and centered positions for Joystick A are identical. What
% I'm wondering is has anyone figured out a way around this? It seems rather
% bizzare to me that the manual suggests a setup that (it seems to me) simply
% can't work, but maybe I'm missing something?
% Anyway, I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments (other than telling me to
% buy a TSW - love to, but I just don't play games enough to warrant $400-$600),
% particularly from anyone who has one of these units and is using it with
% separate pedals.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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