This won't be of any help to you, but with 4x4 antialiasing turned on
with my GeForce256 card, SoS looks pretty good at 800 x 600 resolution
on my system.
FWIW, there's a VERY good thread about SoS on the High Gear forums:
This thread talks about a small utility called "CTFJ!" that allows you
to adjust your joystick or wheel dead zone, and it REALLY makes a
difference with SoS. I've been playing with the demo a LOT this
weekend, and I ordered the full version on Friday. This game may not
be the tops when it comes to vehicle simulation, but as a nice little
historic racin simulation, it does seem like it can be a lot of fun.
I'll report back when I have the full version, but I think I'm going
to be spending a bit of time with this. It won't improve my GPLRank
or my F1CS2K Rank any, but it seems like it may offer the same kind of
fun that I found in NFSPU, which sounds like a good thing to me.
-- JB
F1CS2K Rank Handicap 57.790
>I would like to know if there is any cheats (hidden cars or tracks) in
>Spirit of Speed 1937.
>Also, is there a way of changing the screen res by editing a file? The
>only choice in the game menu are 512x384 (ugly) and 800x600. I would
>like to try 640x480.