I made the same exact switch just before Christmas. Had lots of
fun with the Nascar Pro but wanted something different - so I tried
the Guillemot Ferrari wheel.
I did not like it. The pedals had an upper pivot point and a
lower one and I just didn't feel like I had much "feel" from the
pedals. The gearchange paddles felt very flimsy and didn't give much
tactile feedback. They would probably have a decent wheel if they
would fix those two problems. I don't know why they didn't just use
the Nascar Pro pedals.
The previous Thrustmaster company was always very helpful. Sent
me a set of springs for free once. Also sent me a whole wheel
assembly to replace mine when one of the buttons quit 3 weeks after
purchase (the wires to the buttons are ridiculously tiny). Getting
Guillemot via phone is nearly impossible but I had excellent results
via email. While I had the Ferrari wheel I also purchased a Wingman
Formula Force.
It was no contest. I love the Wingman. Would be neat if it had
a gearshift though - although I rarely used it on the Nascar Pro
anyway. The force feedback effects are great! (Stronger than in the
Ferrari wheel but I never messed with the Ferrari's settings.) In
GPL, you really do get a feel for what the car is doing. Viper is
also good for that. MGPRS2 is also neat - mostly for when you clip
the curbs. The entire wheel feels very durable. The gearchang
paddles give excellent feedback and appear well made. The clamp
system is excellent - far better than the Nascar Pro. The wheel
appears to be the same size as the Nascar Pro's. It has slighly
thicker padding though. It has four buttons on the wheel itself,
which I believe are programmable - although I've not done that yet.
They are handy for games like GPL where you can look left, look right,
use the clutch, etc. with the buttons. I even like the pedals,
although they don't look like much and don't seem as well built as the
wheel. I love the built in "dead pedal" (footrest) it has.
I have not tried any other force feedback wheels other than the
Wingman and the Ferrari though. (I tried Microsoft's in a store a
while ago and didn't care for it.) I have used Logitech mice for
several years and really like them. They have always been extremely
well made. Now I gotta get a force feedback joystick to replace my
old reliable CH Flightstick Pro...
(Of the four cars my wife and I drive, only two have "dead
pedals". And they're both Japanese (Miata and Accord). The other
two, USA manufacturers - Crown Vic and F150 4X4 don't have them. I'm
not much for new laws but maybe it would be a good idea to make them
mandatory! :-)