TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

Samuel Senio

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Samuel Senio » Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:37:20

Controller won't set in F12002 or GTR mod.
I failed to check out F1 2002 before adding the GTR mod. When trying
to configure the TSW Split Axis Controller in F1, turning the wheel
does not set the steering. I think I'm going to have to re-install F1
and the mod. But I desperately need to know how a successful TSW
operator sets his configuration in the plr file. The TSW sets fine in
Win2000 and in GPL(generic driver) , and I'm afraid to use DXTweak for
fear it will booger the controller for GPL. True? Any other critical
settings would also be appreciated. Thanks very much for the
suggestions received so far. I've tried most all of them. Frame rate
is super slow, too.
Sam  Portland OR USA  

System is:
CPU  Intel Pentium 4  2.3 GHz
System RAM: 248 MB
DirectX Version:
Video Card: Intel(R) 82845G/GL Graphics Controller
 (on the motherboard)
Video RAM: 24 MBytes
Full Triangle Rate: 3.8 MTri/sec
High Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
Medium Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
Minimum Triangle Rate: N/A

Joel A. Willstei

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Joel A. Willstei » Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:51:30

    I'm running win98se, and I use a TWS2 wheel in split axis mode.  When I
calibrated my wheel in both F1 2002 and GTR 2002, you have to be very quick
to turn your wheel inorder for it to be accepted. You will know that it
works correctly when you can see the red scale move in both directions. Same
goes for the accel,brake, and up/down shifts.

Joel Willstein


"If you can leave black marks on a straight from the time you exit a corner
till the time you brake for the next turn
, then you have enough horsepower."
Mark Donohue


TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Bob » Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:32:19

Same thing for me with an ECCI.  Almost need to slightly hold the wheel to
the left, then click on left configuration, then so the same thing for the


>     I'm running win98se, and I use a TWS2 wheel in split axis mode.  When
> calibrated my wheel in both F1 2002 and GTR 2002, you have to be very
> to turn your wheel inorder for it to be accepted. You will know that it
> works correctly when you can see the red scale move in both directions.
> goes for the accel,brake, and up/down shifts.

> Joel Willstein

> --

> "If you can leave black marks on a straight from the time you exit a
> till the time you brake for the next turn
> , then you have enough horsepower."
> Mark Donohue

> > Controller won't set in F12002 or GTR mod.
> > I failed to check out F1 2002 before adding the GTR mod. When trying
> > to configure the TSW Split Axis Controller in F1, turning the wheel
> > does not set the steering. I think I'm going to have to re-install F1
> > and the mod. But I desperately need to know how a successful TSW
> > operator sets his configuration in the plr file. The TSW sets fine in
> > Win2000 and in GPL(generic driver) , and I'm afraid to use DXTweak for
> > fear it will booger the controller for GPL. True? Any other critical
> > settings would also be appreciated. Thanks very much for the
> > suggestions received so far. I've tried most all of them. Frame rate
> > is super slow, too.
> > Sam  Portland OR USA

> > System is:
> > CPU  Intel Pentium 4  2.3 GHz
> > System RAM: 248 MB
> > DirectX Version:
> > Video Card: Intel(R) 82845G/GL Graphics Controller
> >  (on the motherboard)
> > Video RAM: 24 MBytes
> > Full Triangle Rate: 3.8 MTri/sec
> > High Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
> > Medium Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
> > Minimum Triangle Rate: N/A

Uwe Schuerkam

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Uwe Schuerkam » Thu, 12 Dec 2002 18:23:16

> Same thing for me with an ECCI.  Almost need to slightly hold the wheel to
> the left, then click on left configuration, then so the same thing for the
> right.

> Bob

Hi Sam,

I can send you my .plr file later today. For some reason it
works in f1 2002, but in gtr2002 I had jittering on the brake
axis until I copied over the "axis" lines from my f1 2002 plr
file to the one used in gtr2002. Sorry I cannot be of more help,
but I'm at work right now and won't get to my windows ***
box until this evening... please note however that my wheel has
a modified axis setup to make it work in f1 2001 (thinking
about that I might revert to the old setup).

the change is quite easily made and outlined (with pics) on my
racing page at



mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61


TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Lawman_027 » Thu, 12 Dec 2002 22:12:53

> Controller won't set in F12002 or GTR mod.
> I failed to check out F1 2002 before adding the GTR mod. When trying
> to configure the TSW Split Axis Controller in F1, turning the wheel
> does not set the steering. I think I'm going to have to re-install F1
> and the mod. But I desperately need to know how a successful TSW
> operator sets his configuration in the plr file. The TSW sets fine in
> Win2000 and in GPL(generic driver) , and I'm afraid to use DXTweak for
> fear it will booger the controller for GPL. True? Any other critical
> settings would also be appreciated. Thanks very much for the
> suggestions received so far. I've tried most all of them. Frame rate
> is super slow, too.
> Sam  Portland OR USA  

> System is:
> CPU  Intel Pentium 4  2.3 GHz
> System RAM: 248 MB
> DirectX Version:
> Video Card: Intel(R) 82845G/GL Graphics Controller
>  (on the motherboard)
> Video RAM: 24 MBytes
> Full Triangle Rate: 3.8 MTri/sec
> High Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
> Medium Triangle Rate: 4.1 MTri/sec
> Minimum Triangle Rate: N/A

You have a P4 2.3G cpu, 248 mb ram (248???), have a TSW but still are
using a 24mb mobo video chip? No wonder your fps is so slow. I am
surprised the game starts at all. Drop a $100-150 and get a nice
Geforce 4 4200 with 128mb of ram and you'll see a differnce of epic



TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Eden » Fri, 13 Dec 2002 07:22:06

Yeah assigning Split axis controller is kind of tricky you have to step on
the pedals a few times in order to get it right...

(Y-) for accelaration
And (RZ -) for brakes it takes.

Your Tri - Rate is Wayyyyy to low! You need something in the 12.5-15 at

I have what 28.2 -30?



Damien Smit

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Damien Smit » Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:01:56

Yeah, I doubt that F1 2002 would even be playable on a Intel 845G - even if
you had a 3GHz CPU.  I'm actually surprised that GPL runs.  They're simply
not designed for ***.  Period.

Russell Senio

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Russell Senio » Fri, 13 Dec 2002 19:07:15

Damien> Yeah, I doubt that F1 2002 would even be playable on a Intel
Damien> 845G - even if you had a 3GHz CPU.  I'm actually surprised
Damien> that GPL runs.  They're simply not designed for ***.
Damien> Period.

Well, here's a clue for you: GPL works quite adequately.  Here's
another clue: if it didn't, there is this gaping AGP slot sitting
patiently, standing by for when it _might_ be called into service.
And here's one more: every six months that passes, the
latest-and-greatest gets even greater and yesterday's
latest-and-greatest gets about twice as cheap.  Bottom line: no cash,
works great.


PS: none of this is relevant to the question asked.

Russell Senior         ``I've seen every kind of critter God ever made,

                         stinkin' yellow hypocrite than you!''
                                        -- Burl Ives as Rufus Hennessy


TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Lawman_027 » Sat, 14 Dec 2002 01:53:51

> "PS: none of this is relevant to the question asked."

Hey, ass about this line from the ORIGINAL poster?

"Frame rate
is super slow, too."
Sam  Portland OR USA

Guess the responses were REALLY relevant after all.


Samuel Senio

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Samuel Senio » Sun, 15 Dec 2002 07:35:08

Some success! Finally got the TSW steering to turn both ways! It was
an issue with the Control Panel calibration, which had gone boogers.
Strange, since GPL continued to operate normally. We re-installed F1
2002, and were able to steer around the track, at a fps of 3. No use
upgrading video yet, as other switches in the game calibration are not
working. Tracks in F1 take from 3 to 6 minutes to load. Seems
strange.Until some kind of fix comes out, I'm back to GPL. Thanks for
all the suggestions received. This is a stupendously helpful group!

Dave Henri

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Dave Henri » Sun, 15 Dec 2002 13:21:40

"Samuel Senior"
Tracks in F1 take from 3 to 6 minutes to load. Seems
   If you have 7200 rpm hard drives, the tracks should probably load in less
than a minute.  With the mods, especially ones like GTR or the SCP mod for
F1 2001,  you can have 30 or more cars and this really add to the loading
time.  Try reducing the number of cars in the field and see if that doesn't
speed things. up.  You have to change the config.ini file for the mod and
there are 4 lines in your .plr file inside the save folder.  All should
dave henrie

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Steen Kjems Touda

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Steen Kjems Touda » Mon, 16 Dec 2002 05:22:01

In case you're still interested in TSW (well, I have a TSW2, but it's
probably the same) settings for F1 2002, this goes into your .plr file (and
by the way, I can only get it to work in Win98 - not in XP):

[ Controls ]
Keyboard Steering="0.20000"
Keyboard Throttle="0.50000"
Keyboard Brake="0.50000"
Keyboard Clutch="0.20000"
Force Feedback="0"
Mimic Steering="1" // Mimic AI or pitlane assistance with force feedback
Use RS Shifter="0"
Alternate Rearlook Activation="1" // if left look and right look are both
pressed, rearlook becomes activated
Axis [00, 00] Dead Zone="0.01887"
Axis [00, 00] Sensitivity="0.20283"
Axis [00, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 01] Dead Zone="0.01415"
Axis [00, 01] Sensitivity="0.00000"
Axis [00, 01] Center="1.00000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 02] Dead Zone="1.00000"
Axis [00, 02] Sensitivity="0.92453"
Axis [00, 02] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 03] Dead Zone="1.00000"
Axis [00, 03] Sensitivity="1.00000"
Axis [00, 03] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 04] Dead Zone="1.00000"
Axis [00, 04] Sensitivity="1.00000"
Axis [00, 04] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 05] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 05] Sensitivity="0.00000"
Axis [00, 05] Center="0.00000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 06] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [00, 06] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [00, 06] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 07] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [00, 07] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [00, 07] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 00] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 00] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 01] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 01] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 01] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 02] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 02] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 02] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 03] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 03] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 03] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 04] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 04] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 04] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 05] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 05] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 05] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 06] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 06] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 06] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 07] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 07] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 07] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Control - Accelerate="(1, 4)"
Control - Brake="(1, 11)"
Control - Steer Left="(1, 2)"
Control - Steer Right="(1, 1)"
Control - Shift Up="(1, 13)"
Control - Shift Down="(1, 14)"
Control - Clutch In="(0, 16)"
Control - Display Mode="(0, 28)"
Control - Pit Request="(0, 31)"
Control - Pit Menu Up="(0, 200)"
Control - Pit Menu Down="(0, 208)"
Control - Pit Menu Inc="(0, 205)"
Control - Pit Menu Dec="(0, 203)"
Control - TCOverride="(0, 24)"
Control - Launch Control="(0, 53)"
Control - Speed Limiter="(0, 38)"
Control - Bias Forward="(0, 26)"
Control - Bias Rearward="(0, 27)"
Control - Look Left="(1, 15)"
Control - Look Right="(1, 16)"
Control - Rear Look="(0, 48)"
Control - Instant Replay="(0, 19)"
Control - Pause="(0, 25)"
Control - Restart Race="(0, 21)"

Samuel Senio

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Samuel Senio » Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:13:08

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 21:22:01 +0100, "S*** Kjems Toudal"

>In case you're still interested in TSW (well, I have a TSW2, but it's
>probably the same) settings for F1 2002, this goes into your .plr file (and
>by the way, I can only get it to work in Win98 - not in XP):

Thanks. I entered all these values, by copy and paste. There seems to
be some improvement, but the response to controls is still spotty. I'm
running Win2000, which I think is based on XP.It seems to be "stuck"
in automatic shift mode, and I can't find any place to turn that off.
It may be that many of my problems are due to the snail pace of the
video card, about 3 fps. I have put in an order for a NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti4600. Let's see what that does. My old card was OK for GPL, all I
ever had to turn off was mirrors, but this new stuff sucks pixels like
a vacuum cleaner. My processor is plenty fast. Is there some screen
that allows you to turn off auto shifting?
Uwe Schuerkam

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Uwe Schuerkam » Mon, 16 Dec 2002 18:01:29

> In case you're still interested in TSW (well, I have a TSW2, but it's
> probably the same) settings for F1 2002, this goes into your .plr file (and
> by the way, I can only get it to work in Win98 - not in XP):

Here's the same info from my .plr file, for use with a modified
TSW (with the three axis hack for f1 2001 applied):

Axis [00, 00] Dead Zone="0.03302"
Axis [00, 00] Sensitivity="0.69811"
Axis [00, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 01] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 01] Sensitivity="0.69811"
Axis [00, 01] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 02] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 02] Sensitivity="0.69811"
Axis [00, 02] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 03] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 03] Sensitivity="0.70283"
Axis [00, 03] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 04] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 04] Sensitivity="0.69811"
Axis [00, 04] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 05] Dead Zone="0.00000"
Axis [00, 05] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [00, 05] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 06] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [00, 06] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [00, 06] Center="1.00000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 07] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [00, 07] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [00, 07] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 00] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 00] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 01] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 01] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 01] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 02] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 02] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 02] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 03] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 03] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 03] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 04] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 04] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 04] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 05] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 05] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 05] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 06] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 06] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 06] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [01, 07] Dead Zone="0.05000"
Axis [01, 07] Sensitivity="0.50000"
Axis [01, 07] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Control - Accelerate="(1, 4)"
Control - Brake="(1, 11)"
Control - Steer Left="(1, 2)"
Control - Steer Right="(1, 1)"
Control - Shift Up="(1, 16)"
Control - Shift Down="(1, 15)"
Control - Clutch In="(0, 89)"
Control - Display Mode="(1, 14)"
Control - Pit Request="(0, 31)"
Control - Pit Menu Up="(0, 200)"
Control - Pit Menu Down="(0, 208)"
Control - Pit Menu Inc="(0, 205)"
Control - Pit Menu Dec="(0, 203)"
Control - TCOverride="(0, 24)"
Control - Launch Control="(0, 53)"
Control - Speed Limiter="(1, 13)"
Control - Bias Forward="(0, 26)"
Control - Bias Rearward="(0, 27)"
Control - Look Left="(0, 47)"
Control - Look Right="(0, 49)"
Control - Rear Look="(0, 48)"
Control - Instant Replay="(0, 19)"
Control - Pause="(0, 25)"
Control - Restart Race="(0, 21)"

Cheers & HTH,


mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

Samuel Senio

TSW Owners with F1 2002 Configuration Wanted

by Samuel Senio » Mon, 16 Dec 2002 18:37:21

On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 10:01:29 +0100, Uwe Schuerkamp

>> In case you're still interested in TSW (well, I have a TSW2, but it's
>> probably the same) settings for F1 2002, this goes into your .plr file (and
>> by the way, I can only get it to work in Win98 - not in XP):

>Here's the same info from my .plr file, for use with a modified
>TSW (with the three axis hack for f1 2001 applied):

Thank you, gentlemen. I finally found the screen to turn off
autoshift. My card is so slow I didn't wait long enough for it to
respond! Made the suggested changes, and the controller appears to be
responding properly, now. I don't know why I have to keep on assigning
controls after they are set, though ??  Waiting now for new video
card. I should have a screamer after installation! Wheeeee!
Thanx again!  Sam is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.