>I want to thank everybody who responded. I don't really have
>two days to dedicate to getting WIN 98 working, WIN 95 OSR2 is
>close enough.
> Maybe you can save me from re-building WIN 95 from scratch.
>This should go to one of the WIN 95 newsgroups, but we're
>friends here, so I'll run it by you first.
> My problem is that I have two SCSI drives as C: and D:. My
>CD is E:. The WIN 95 partitions for these drives, which are
>shared with Solaris, are 1 and 2 GIG. C: is my "System" drive,
>and D: is my "Sim" drive. As you know, 2 GIGs ain't what it
>used to be, and I'm already removing this sim to add that sim.
> Solaris likes to have multiple drives working at the same
>time, so I added a third drive. This is one of those 9 GIG
>monsters, so I have some spare room for sims. When I try to
>use this, I thought my CD would be bumped to F:, and my new
>drive would assume the name E:. No such luck. It just
>doesn't seem to work.
> So I'm planning to rebuild WIN 95, from scratch, with the
>new drive all set up. I wouldn't need to do this if I could
>re-name my CD "F:".
> Does anybody know how to do this?
> Thanks
> Larry
letter to it.
Or you can force it in your autoexec.bat and config.sys files which has the advantage in that they're then recognisable
for DOS software. This is what I have:
In my Autoexec.bat file (this line Windows likes to Rem out)
C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\mscdex.exe /d:mscd001 /l:j
Rem The 'j' is my drive letter
And in my Config.sys file:
device=c:\teac_cdi.sys /d:mscd001
where teac_cdi.sys is the sys file for my CD ROM
This will work.
Dr. James C. Hallows
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