Actually it is impossible online via the NROS to actually cheat easily as
the *.txt files can only be altered by adding your personnal mirror setting.
Everything else is logged and can/will be considered as cheating from any
Nascar official.
And I would think that via IPX or modem/modem N2 actually check out each
client's track file and will kick anybody who has it altered at points that
would be considered as cheating (tire grip files, per example).
- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by on the NROS
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--
> You'd rather cheat than find a better setup/driving line? What happens when
> you eventually (if you do) race online with the rest of us?
> >How do you change the tire line in the track text file to get more tire
> wear?
> >There are two tracks I just cant hang with the other cars.
> >Thanks
One thing you can do is adjust the Pit window (the SPDWY line, numbers 2
and 3) so it is more in line with how long your tires last. The other
is the adjust the TIRES line. There are 7 parameters, the first 3 are
for the left side tires (grip, heat, life), the next 3 are for the right
side (grip, heat, life). The last one is unknown. I don't know what
adjusting the life by itself would do, but if you notice less grip or
less heat then you'll know it isn't independent. Higher numbers mean
more in each case, lower numbers - less.
These changes are fine if you are only interested in running against the
AI. One word of advice. Don't adjust these too much because what Mike
said is right. You should practice with the same TIRES line that
everyone else is supposedly using. Of course, there is probably alot of
cheating still going on and this line is how they do it, unless the
online server overrides the TIRES line to put everyone on the same track
which is how it should be implemented. Then noone really knows what
TIRES line is the correct one. :-))
David Martin
Director of IVL
Producer of RaceSet
>>How do you change the tire line in the track text file to get more tire
>>There are two tracks I just cant hang with the other cars.
Mike Petersen replied:
And I Add My Wisdom:
Shoot... I'd like to know more about those tire lines also. It could be
that "cartman" likes to do the same thing I like to do. That is, I tweak
the various elements until I can at least have a fair shot at a good
finish at each track (IF I drive a smooth, smart race, and get a few
breaks along the way... the first two are difficult to achieve ;-).
After all, I'm not the best sim racer there is, and it's just me and my
virtual-world CC's... so what's the harm? Also, could it be that for
many of us, this a game for PERSONAL enjoyment and not a vehicle to
prove/compare/whatever our skills with other humans? If I were ever to
go online... then it would be different (no tweaks). But I don't see
that happening. I make my living in a form of "people management", and
the LAST thing I want is to add more of that to my leisure activities.
(i.e. the inevitable cries of "foul!" when incidents occur/or someone
wins too much, etc.)
At any rate... let's have fun here...
Andre Ming
O.F. Racing (Old Fart Racing)