Don't read this if you don't want to cheat. I got the following from the
Track.txt FAC, copyright Steve Weinkamer. You can edit this an any track.txt
TIRES 64881 4300 120000000 64881 3300 120000000 0
TIRE2 64881 4300 120000000 64881 3300 120000000 0
TIRES refers to GOODYEAR compounds and TIRE2 refers to HOOSIER compounds.
This is probably one of the best lines to adjust if you are having trouble
with grip in the turns or prematurely burning up your tires. The first
number (64881) refers to the grip that your left side tires achieve. The
higher the value, the better the grip. The next number (4300) refers to the
heat your left side tires generate. A lower value means lower heat. A higher
grip value will generate more tire heat, so you want to lower the second
value to compensate for this. The 1200000000 refers to how fast the tire
wear bars "shrink" when f5 is active. A higher value means that your tires
will wear more slowly, and a lower value means that they will wear down more
quickly. The next two values refer to right side grip and heat. Therefore,
if you are sliding into the corners and burning up the right side tires in
the process, adjust accordingly for better grip with less wear. (Adjust the
grip values by (+ or -) 1000 to 1500 to start with. Adjust the heat values
by (+ or -) 100-300 as a starting point.)
So....if you are slamming the wall and burning up the right front tire at
say Bristol, you might do the following: Increase the grip values by 1000 to
1500 and lower the heat values by about 100-300. If you want to extend the
life of your tires to last until your fuel stops, change the 1 in 1200000000
to perhaps a 3. You'll get better handling and longer tire life with less
frustration and more racing in the process. By the way, this is how some
people get the unreal times\speeds that they brag about. THEY CHEAT! But
after all, these are just arbitrary settings that the folks at Papyrus came
up with to make these sims challenging and as realistic as possible at each
track. And if you'd rather race, have more fun, less frustration, are
willing to sacrifice a little realism and not have to work on setups so
much, you can tinker here. Just don't claim world records at each track!
Jeroen van Engelenhoven