> Now David, it may come as a surprise to you to find that you are in a
> minority of one when you say that you "kick people's high horse's out
> from under them", and that they are talking "nonsense". As I'm sure
> you'll be about to point out, yes this is purely my opinion, but I'd
> put it to the vote anyday :)
Well Johnny It is obvious you do not understand what I meant by "high
I was refering to the people who state facts that are simply not true
and it seems they have not investigated the matter further. If I try to
help someone out I only do so if I know how and I only state the facts
about things.
I have apologized in the past for some of my reactions. Some people just
cant accept
> >Well if your such a "Collins" then you would know the meaning of
> Em David, once again that should be "you're", not "your".
Well maybe a more correct way would be "you are". Maybe you shouldnt
spend so
much time concerning "your"self with SIMS John and instead become a
English teacher.
Sometimes your "correction" of my punctuations seems to be all you have
to discuss.
Well if your a better artist than a comedian please do! ":>)
I'll give you a clue, I'm writing this with a
Hmmm, I dont "flame" anyone who hasnt "flamed" me first and I challenge
to prove other wise or is that otherwise?(g) Sometimes its just good ole
to "flame" someone that flames me first. But this newsgroup is for
about auto simulators. Which it seems some people here dont understand.
Carver and Eric Bush have a vast knowledge of some of the popular sims
on the market
and provise great insite. They both have helped me on occasion and have
devoted alot
to the SIM racing "fraternity" But I cant remember one of them replying
to a post
when I was debating with someone else. I guess they left that up to the
John Wallace.(g)
-David Gary-
BTW, what the hell is rocking horse shit? Is that someone who tries to
put their
horseshit to sleep. Just give it a bottle, that usually does the trick.