

by jon » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:27:00

Well, you only got kicked out of a league, and though that sucks, it's not
like they tacked you up on a cross or anything.

> Yeah, but unlike me the wreckers were put on probation, the Christian
> was just thrown out.

> - Paul

> > >Drivers that came to the race unprepared and solo spun or were unstable
> > >throughout the race, are on notice that Las Vegas will be your last
> if
> > >you don't put some practice time in. We have drivers here that spend
> hours
> > >on their setups. If you have not put time into a fully tested setup or
> > >not have time in your schedule to do so, then please find another
> to
> > >race in.

> > Well, that's a bit harsh.  It's easy to spin even if you've run hundreds
> of
> > laps...

> > Eldred
> > --
> > Homepage -
> > GPLRank:-1.680
> > MonsterRank: +334.169
> > N2002 Rank:+17.59

> > Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats
> you
> > with experience...
> > Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Dave Henri


by Dave Henri » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:28:37

>> So people have the right to discriminate based upon religion ?

>> There is nothing more to the story, if u have a specific question
>> about the story ask ...

> Christians do it all the time. There's a small private college in
> Spokane Washington, I can't remember the name (it's NOT Gonzaga, that
> much I know.) Anyways, whenever they ran employment adverti***ts in
> the Spokesman-Review, there was always a line in the ad that said
> applicants had to have a personal relationship with god and jesus to be
> considered. That qualifies as discrimination based on religion in my
> book.

> Wally

  Wally?  Are you a Spokanite too?  Here I thought I was the only one in
all of Eastern Washington that had time to waste on computer racin.
dave (spokane is pronounced Spoe Can) henrie


by jon » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:29:21

maybe with just a touch of "The Christians are being persecuted!" thrown in
for good measure....

Wally Mellis


by Wally Mellis » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 13:07:19

> >> So people have the right to discriminate based upon religion ?

> >> There is nothing more to the story, if u have a specific question
> >> about the story ask ...

> > Christians do it all the time. There's a small private college in
> > Spokane Washington, I can't remember the name (it's NOT Gonzaga, that
> > much I know.) Anyways, whenever they ran employment adverti***ts in
> > the Spokesman-Review, there was always a line in the ad that said
> > applicants had to have a personal relationship with god and jesus to be
> > considered. That qualifies as discrimination based on religion in my
> > book.

> > Wally

>   Wally?  Are you a Spokanite too?  Here I thought I was the only one in
> all of Eastern Washington that had time to waste on computer racin.
> dave (spokane is pronounced Spoe Can) henrie

Nope, I'm not a Spokanite...but I wanted to be at one time. I had a
subscription to the S-R for a couple of years. I managed to make more
than a few trips out there, mostly for skiing at Schwietzer. The Spokane
job market has always been pretty soft, even in good times. I suppose
nowadays it's tits-up. To make a long story short, I could never get a
job offer living 2,000 miles away, and I never had the courage to pack
up my things and just move there hoping to get a job.

Lovely city that Spoe Can!!!




by Mitch_ » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 13:08:08

Amen brotha :))

> Now follow closely here. I grew up in church, and though I know many are
> sincere in their beliefs, there are also a great many full of sheeat
> hypocrites who just can't seem to quit spouting religious nonsense.

> Take my job for example. Full of churchgoers who clutter the breakroom up
> with tracts, add to the noise pollution with their incessant religious
> debates, and more often than not are some of the laziest people I know.
> is acceptable to the management of my company. While I certainly believe
> God, I also realize the majority of these people are idiots. And many are
> vicious backstabbers.

> Now, one thing I feel strongly about is *** legalization. In the
> I have enjoyed a taste of it, and if the opportunity presented itself
> now, I would happily partake. Were I to begin sharing my strong opinions
> legalization, not to mention my fondness for *** at work, however, I
> am sure I would have to endure the sort of alienation and persecution many
> believers only dream of. Hell, I would probably be on the list of people
> they want to get rid of, in spite of my outstanding work performance. Not
> only that, but people who feel differently about pot would soon get
> having to listen to me. So, I keep my opinions to myself.

> If you were sharing your convictions with your league, I do hope you
> overly zealous about it. Nothing wrong with it mind you, but if you carry
> about it all the time, you will annoy the hell out of people.

> And if it makes you feel any better, RASCAR paint regulations prohibit me
> from having a big pot leaf on the hood of my car. And *** women, which
> also arouse strong feelings deep within me.

> Anyhoo, that's my opinion.

> > To make a long story short:

> > Recently i joined a league RSR PRO CUP

> > I was dropped after 2 races (12th and 7th finishes) with no incidents
> > (my current LPI is 90+)

> > dropped 3 times I got no response.  My wife suggested it was because
> > my car had "Jesus Saves" as the sponsor. I doubted this, but kept an
> > mind, when i continued to ask for the reason why i was dropped, and i
> asked
> > if it was because I had "Jesus" on my car these are the responses I got:

> > "What do you want Tarrant, your money back? Get a grip."

> > "Ok, here's my opinion........follow closely now. GOODBYE TARRANT."

> > It would seem that "Jesus" is not allowed in the RSR PRO CUP.
> > It shouldn't take a Christian to be upset about this, RSR feels
> > they can ***on the constitution apparently.

> > I would ask that you support me in encouraging TeamRSR in stating why
> > I was dropped from this league if not for having "Jesus" on my car.

> > All i wanted was an explanation.

> > They use the server of team FLM, one of the most respected teams online.
> > I DO NOT HOLD THEM RESPONSIBLE. If u havnt been to their site
> > I would reccommend u do !

> >

> > - Tarrant (N4 - N2K3)
> >    P_Yuknis (N2 - N3)
> >    Yankee1 (N1)

Mike Whit


by Mike Whit » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 14:49:13

It's probably not because of your specific religion, but your feeling the
need to inject religion into an activity that is not related to religion.

You're pissing in someone else's pool.  It doesn't matter if it's green,
blue, black, or orange piss.

Stephen F


by Stephen F » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 17:05:53

Your constitution gives you the right to set up your own server and create a
web page with your beliefs for everyone to read.  Your constitution also
gives you the right to create your own NR2003 server and provide a forum for
whatever fancy paint schemes you might like to admit.  What your
constitution does not guarantee is that a privately owned newspaper, web
server, radio station, television station etc. has to provide a forum for
your beliefs and views.

I personally have nothing against your views, but as a Canadian it always
amazes me that so many Americans don't understand their own constitution.


Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 19:02:55

No problem...




by Race15 » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 22:04:22

Annoying.  Thats it.  Your just plain annoying, Paul.  Maybe thats why they rid
themselves of you.  And when you asked about religion, thats why you got a
smartass remark, because it was SO far away from the truth.

Free speech is not a valid point here.  When people get together in private
clubs, they can make rules to hangout with whomever they choose. Those rules
CAN include race, religion, gender, talent, intelligence (MENSA), body type
(LITTLE PEOPLE OF AMERICA - 4'10 OR LESS) and other even more bizarre and
ridiculous rules. It IS legal - Look at Augusta National, just to name one.

By the same token they can rid themselves of anyone for any reason also.
Whether that person is an outspoken religious fanatic who blames his problems
on his love of religion or that person is just plain annoying, with or without
the religion.  It's their RIGHT!

As the league moderater said - "Get a grip!"   Let it go.  

Dave Henri


by Dave Henri » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 23:19:22

   What?  Learn and read that boring thing?  All we have to know is Uncle
Sam will take a good portion of our money, and***our sons and daughters  
who 'think' they are learning of Goverment as interns in Washington DC.
Then avoid "The Man" and his flashing red lights(actually the lights are
blue but I wasn't sure If Euro's followed that convention) and you will be
left alone.
dave henrie
Stephen F


by Stephen F » Wed, 05 Mar 2003 00:27:45

> > I personally have nothing against your views, but as a Canadian it
> > always amazes me that so many Americans don't understand their own
> > constitution.

> > Stephen

>    What?  Learn and read that boring thing?  All we have to know is Uncle
> Sam will take a good portion of our money, and***our sons and
> who 'think' they are learning of Goverment as interns in Washington DC.
> Then avoid "The Man" and his flashing red lights(actually the lights are
> blue but I wasn't sure If Euro's followed that convention) and you will be
> left alone.
> dave henrie

Well, they're red and blue back home in Canada, and blue in most of Europe.
European police cars also have that nice eee-aaaaaaa-eeeeee-aaaaaa horn
instead of a standard siren.
Paul D. Yukni


by Paul D. Yukni » Wed, 05 Mar 2003 00:53:04

"This backs me up again.  All these refer to the relationship of govt to

I see, so the Govt. cant discriminate, but people can
to their hearts content.  Race, Gender, religion people can discriminate
all they want. Make black people sit in the back of the
bus, as long as the bus isnt owned and operated by the
Govt. it's o.k.

Don't hire a woman because she's a woman, and she can't do
***to you because your buisness is owned by you and not
the Govt.

You would be in court before you can say Freedom ....

I believe your logic is some what flawed.

- Paul

> > "In God We Trust ...."

> > - U.S. Currency

> > "One nation, under God ...."

> > - Pledge

> > Q: According to American tradition what flag can be flown above
> >      the Stars an Stripes.

> > A:  Chaplains Flag, when underway, during worship. aboard U.S. Navy
> >       warships only.

> > "... no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
> > exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
> > the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
> > government for a redress of grievances. "

> > - U.S. Constitution

> > " ...... Statesmen my dear sir, may plan and speculate for liberty,
> > but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the
> > upon which freedom can securely stand ..."

> > John Adams, 1776

> <Snip a lot of reference material>

> This backs me up again.  All these refer to the relationship of govt to
> citizens, not of citizens to citizens in private organizations.  Of
> which a league would be one.

> --

> Fester


Paul D. Yukni


by Paul D. Yukni » Wed, 05 Mar 2003 01:01:20

Good stuff Jason !

> >"In God We Trust"

> Added to US currency in 1956.

> >"One nation, under God ...."

> >- Pledge

> Actually no, "under God" was added by Eisenhouer in the 50's.  Before
> that, there was no mention of God in the pledge.

> >" ...... Statesmen my dear sir, may plan and speculate for liberty,
> >but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles
> >upon which freedom can securely stand ..."

> >John Adams, 1776

> "Twenty times in the course of my late reading, have I been upon the
> point of breaking out, "This would be the best of all possible worlds,
> if there were no religion in it!" -- John Adams

> "the government of the United States of America is not in any sense
> founded on the Christian Religion." - Treaty of Peace and Friendship,
> Article XI, ratified by the Senate and signed by John Adams

> >The Constitution of North Carolina, 1776:
> >The Constitution of Delaware, 1776:
> >The Constitution of New Jersey, 1776:

> I feel a lot better about living in Pennsylvania now, even with our
> archaic liquor laws and shops that close at noon on Sunday.  Then
> again this state was founded by those fleeing religious persecution in
> England and was largely settled by Germans fleeing the same.

> Here are some nice quotes for you in return:

> "I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the
> Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the
> Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of...Each of those
> churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I
> disbelieve them all."  -- Thomas Paine

> "The Christian priesthood, finding the doctrines of Christ levelled to
> every understanding and too plain to need explanation, saw, in the
> mysticisms of Plato, materials with which they might build up an
> artificial system which might, from its indistinctness, admit
> everlasting controversy, give employment for their order, and
> introduce it to profit, power, and pre-eminence. The doctrines which
> flowed from the lips of Jesus himself are within the comprehension of
> a child; but thousands of volumes have not yet explained the
> Platonisms engrafted on them: and for this obvious reason that
> nonsense can never be explained." -- Thomas Jefferson

> "During almost fif*** centuries has the legal establishment of
> Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in
> all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility
> in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution." --
> James Madison

> "That Jesus Christ was not God is evidence from his own words." --
> Ethan Allen

> "As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire,
> I think the System of Morals and his Religion...has received various
> corrupting Changes, and I have, with most of the present dissenters in
> England, some doubts as to his Divinity; tho' it is a question I do
> not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to
> busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an opportunity of knowing
> the Truth with less trouble." -- Benjamin Franklin

> Most of the founding fathers were atheists, agnostics, and gnostics.
> This is pretty well documented.  George Washington (who,
> coincidentally, asked to not have clergy near his deathbed, fought for
> freedom from religious intolerance and persecution, and nominated a
> Universalist to an Army chaplain position) would be appalled by the
> governmental crusades for Judeo-Christianity that have occurred for
> the past 50 years.

> Jason

Uncle Feste


by Uncle Feste » Wed, 05 Mar 2003 01:13:21

> I see, so the Govt. cant discriminate, but people can
> to their hearts content.  Race, Gender, religion people can discriminate
> all they want. Make black people sit in the back of the
> bus, as long as the bus isnt owned and operated by the
> Govt. it's o.k.

Bus systems are owned by either city or county govt & therefore bound by
such rules.  OTOH, can a taxi pass you by because of how he perceives
you?  You bet.  And it's *STILL* not First Amendment rights you are
speaking about with either the busses or a company hiring a woman.  It's
the 14th...

A business is not a private organization.  I don't have time right now,
but just off the top of my head...  Has the court ever ordered the KKK
to admit black folks??

Your assertion of First Amendment rights violation falls on it's face.



'First things first -- but not necessarily in that order' -- Dr Who



by Eldre » Wed, 05 Mar 2003 01:23:13

Naah - I've *already* lived in Detroit...<g>

Homepage -
MonsterRank: +334.169
N2002 Rank:+17.59

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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