Thats all id like to know.
U really shouldnt jump to conclusions or make assumptions
Thats all id like to know.
U really shouldnt jump to conclusions or make assumptions
No league rules were broken, no wrecks, no explanation.
No I would not change my car.
Alls i want is an explanation. if it was because of my
car than they could at least have to guts to say so.
Here is the incident report from the race, as u see I was a victim of
warp, and caused no wrecks. this is from the league admin:
You see after all those other incidents, it was i that was removed from
the roster with no explanation. all the other guys that caused wrecks
were kept "one removal was me".
So u see, by the leagues own admission i didnt break any rules
or cause any wrecks. "1 driver removed from the roster" was me.
when asked if it was because of having "Jesus" on my car, i got no response.
So infer what u will...
Lap 2: C_Adkins (solo spin/warp?) cannot determine from replay
Lap 14: CC81(RSR) solo spin, possibly warp related
Lap 19: J_Wilcko_FLM solo spin
Lap 24: *KBtitan24* solo spin
lap 29: Racemasta bud & =TFO=TJsRacin get together coming out of turn, did
not give each other enough room (racing deal)
Lap 44: RascalRacing gets into the back of TFO Dok, but TFO Dok had slowed
to keep from spinning
Lap 53: Bobo9 solo spin (rear spoiler damage)
Lap 66: 4Boltmain warps for a few seconds then reappears in front of Tarrant
and is spun
Lap 114: LuckyLarry_FLM loses control (very close to a solo spin) and
bounces of the inside wall over to the outside wall and causes an incident
with Aerojack_RSR
Drivers that came to the race unprepared and solo spun or were unstable
throughout the race, are on notice that Las Vegas will be your last race if
you don't put some practice time in. We have drivers here that spend hours
on their setups. If you have not put time into a fully tested setup or do
not have time in your schedule to do so, then please find another league to
race in.
1 driver removed from the roster and 2 drivers that chatted during the race
received 0 points for this race.
Seek counselling Paul, you have some serious mental problems...
How about taking a loooong hard think ? Maybe the fact that you spew this
drivel in RAS as soon as you feel martyrdom coming, is a clue to why they
did not want you in their league ?? oh and go somewhere else with this
crusade, you are a very sad person IMHO.
Only in America... *sigh*
Well he did post the question there as to why he was dropped. The league
admin made numerous replies, not one of which was any sort of explanation.
All of them pretty smart a$$ comments, the last one being:
"Oh, think of all the sleep I'm going to lose over that. Oh well, I'm off to
go paint my new fascist/totalitarian paint scheme with the swastika on the
At least as far as I'm concerned, I think this post has had its desired
effect. I would sure think twice about applying for membership in that
> Recently i joined a league RSR PRO CUP
> I was dropped after 2 races (12th and 7th finishes) with no incidents
> (my current LPI is 90+)
> dropped 3 times I got no response. My wife suggested it was because
> my car had "Jesus Saves" as the sponsor. I doubted this, but kept an open
> mind, when i continued to ask for the reason why i was dropped, and i
> if it was because I had "Jesus" on my car these are the responses I got:
> "What do you want Tarrant, your money back? Get a grip."
> "Ok, here's my opinion........follow closely now. GOODBYE TARRANT."
> It would seem that "Jesus" is not allowed in the RSR PRO CUP.
> It shouldn't take a Christian to be upset about this, RSR feels
> they can ***on the constitution apparently.
> I would ask that you support me in encouraging TeamRSR in stating why
> I was dropped from this league if not for having "Jesus" on my car.
> All i wanted was an explanation.
> They use the server of team FLM, one of the most respected teams online.
> I DO NOT HOLD THEM RESPONSIBLE. If u havnt been to their site
> I would reccommend u do !
> - Tarrant (N4 - N2K3)
> P_Yuknis (N2 - N3)
> Yankee1 (N1)
> Well he did post the question there as to why he was dropped. The league
> admin made numerous replies, not one of which was any sort of explanation.
> All of them pretty smart a$$ comments, the last one being:
> "Oh, think of all the sleep I'm going to lose over that. Oh well, I'm off
> go paint my new fascist/totalitarian paint scheme with the swastika on the
> hood."
> At least as far as I'm concerned, I think this post has had its desired
> effect. I would sure think twice about applying for membership in that
> league.
> Bob
> > To make a long story short:
> > Recently i joined a league RSR PRO CUP
> > I was dropped after 2 races (12th and 7th finishes) with no incidents
> > (my current LPI is 90+)
> > dropped 3 times I got no response. My wife suggested it was because
> > my car had "Jesus Saves" as the sponsor. I doubted this, but kept an
> > mind, when i continued to ask for the reason why i was dropped, and i
> asked
> > if it was because I had "Jesus" on my car these are the responses I got:
> > "What do you want Tarrant, your money back? Get a grip."
> > "Ok, here's my opinion........follow closely now. GOODBYE TARRANT."
> > It would seem that "Jesus" is not allowed in the RSR PRO CUP.
> > It shouldn't take a Christian to be upset about this, RSR feels
> > they can ***on the constitution apparently.
> > I would ask that you support me in encouraging TeamRSR in stating why
> > I was dropped from this league if not for having "Jesus" on my car.
> > All i wanted was an explanation.
> > They use the server of team FLM, one of the most respected teams online.
> > I DO NOT HOLD THEM RESPONSIBLE. If u havnt been to their site
> > I would reccommend u do !
> >
> > - Tarrant (N4 - N2K3)
> > P_Yuknis (N2 - N3)
> > Yankee1 (N1)
I'm trying to lull everyone into a false sense of security and
comnfort, and then go back to my old ways...
It always pays to keep people off balance. :)
Nope. But he was trying to inflame people into thinking "The Constitution is
being ***led!" when it's clear he doesn't have a CLUE...
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MonsterRank: +334.169
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Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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MonsterRank: +334.169
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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>It doesnt matter what religion u are, YOU have the right to
>express it. and so don't I.
>"Right to free speech" is in the constitution.
>If they didn't allow me in because i was black, people would freak.
>but discriminating against a christian is O.K. ?
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MonsterRank: +334.169
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Yeah, ask John Simmons... or even Dale Junior (Re: Subway400)
Yup. If we instituted that rule in RASCAR, the only people left
would be Tim White, and maybe Ginger.
BACHELOR: A man who never makes the same mistake once.
> > To make a long story short:
> ***y bible bashers...worse than donkey owners!