> Joe
> > Thats all i want John, an honest explanation.
> > I don't think it's asking for very much.
> > - Paul
> Joe
> > Thats all i want John, an honest explanation.
> > I don't think it's asking for very much.
> > - Paul
There is nothing more to the story, if u have a specific question
about the story ask ...
- Paul
> >Drivers that came to the race unprepared and solo spun or were unstable
> >throughout the race, are on notice that Las Vegas will be your last race
> >you don't put some practice time in. We have drivers here that spend
> >on their setups. If you have not put time into a fully tested setup or do
> >not have time in your schedule to do so, then please find another league
> >race in.
> Well, that's a bit harsh. It's easy to spin even if you've run hundreds
> laps...
> Eldred
> --
> Homepage -
> GPLRank:-1.680
> MonsterRank: +334.169
> N2002 Rank:+17.59
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
> >Forgetting all the bull***in this thread, I'm just wondering why the
> >subject is "ALL AMERICANS READ" ?? What does being an American have to
> >do with Jesus or a private racing league? Are ALL Americans Christian??
> Nope. But he was trying to inflame people into thinking "The Constitution
> being ***led!" when it's clear he doesn't have a CLUE...
> Eldred
> --
> Homepage -
> GPLRank:-1.680
> MonsterRank: +334.169
> N2002 Rank:+17.59
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
- Paul
> > Interesting...I went to the site to see if they had their own forum,
> > they do, and was then going to ask why this would be posted here instead
> of
> > there.
> > Well he did post the question there as to why he was dropped. The
> > admin made numerous replies, not one of which was any sort of
> > All of them pretty smart a$$ comments, the last one being:
> > "Oh, think of all the sleep I'm going to lose over that. Oh well, I'm
> to
> > go paint my new fascist/totalitarian paint scheme with the swastika on
> > hood."
> > At least as far as I'm concerned, I think this post has had its desired
> > effect. I would sure think twice about applying for membership in that
> > league.
> > Bob
> > > To make a long story short:
> > > Recently i joined a league RSR PRO CUP
> > > I was dropped after 2 races (12th and 7th finishes) with no incidents
> > > (my current LPI is 90+)
> > > dropped 3 times I got no response. My wife suggested it was because
> > > my car had "Jesus Saves" as the sponsor. I doubted this, but kept an
> open
> > > mind, when i continued to ask for the reason why i was dropped, and i
> > asked
> > > if it was because I had "Jesus" on my car these are the responses I
> > > "What do you want Tarrant, your money back? Get a grip."
> > > "Ok, here's my opinion........follow closely now. GOODBYE TARRANT."
> > > It would seem that "Jesus" is not allowed in the RSR PRO CUP.
> > > It shouldn't take a Christian to be upset about this, RSR feels
> > > they can ***on the constitution apparently.
> > > I would ask that you support me in encouraging TeamRSR in stating why
> > > I was dropped from this league if not for having "Jesus" on my car.
> > > All i wanted was an explanation.
> > > They use the server of team FLM, one of the most respected teams
> > > I DO NOT HOLD THEM RESPONSIBLE. If u havnt been to their site
> > > I would reccommend u do !
> > >
> > > - Tarrant (N4 - N2K3)
> > > P_Yuknis (N2 - N3)
> > > Yankee1 (N1)
Expert, n.: Someone who comes from out of town and shows slides.
> Seek counselling Paul, you have some serious mental problems...
> How about taking a loooong hard think ? Maybe the fact that you spew this
> drivel in RAS as soon as you feel martyrdom coming, is a clue to why they
> did not want you in their league ?? oh and go somewhere else with this
> crusade, you are a very sad person IMHO.
> Only in America... *sigh*
> Mikkel
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of grievances.
> Pardon me? It bars the Federal Govt from forming an official state
> sanctioned religion. What *that* has to do with /this/ is beyond me.
> --
> Fester
> Expert, n.: Someone who comes from out of town and shows slides.
If you are really interested in why anyone would, then let me know in email.
I'll let you know why I do.
> Amendment I
> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
And just what part of this do you not comprehend???
A husband is what is left of a man after the nerve is extracted.
Not obsessive, passionate about my faith, and American principles.
I went way out of my way to be nice when i asked the questions.
Got nothing but a hard time as a response.
> Mikkel
> > So people have the right to discriminate based upon religion ?
> > There is nothing more to the story, if u have a specific question
> > about the story ask ...
To be honest, it wouldnt be worth the trouble to me. Any league that has
that attitude, I wouldnt want anything to do with it and I would just drop
it. But, if he paid money to be in that league, they should give him a
refund or they deserve every post he has made about the subject.
> > Amendment I
> > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> And just what part of this do you not comprehend???
> > prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
> --
> Fester
> A husband is what is left of a man after the nerve is extracted.
I'm a Canadian athiest and I read it... oops.