Does anyone know where, on the internet, to get the cheapest price on a
Cyrix 200????
I want to be ready for NASCAR 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know where, on the internet, to get the cheapest price on a
Cyrix 200????
I want to be ready for NASCAR 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rgds Marc Biesmans/Belgium
Drop Me A Line, I'll sell You one. The boards for the 200 should be
available within a week or so and the chip as soon as Cyrix gets them to
distribution in full. Don't think that just cause their being advertised
that You can get one. You'll get the "Were sold out and would You like to
backorder" crap. What people mean is "I can't get one yet because they
just don't have all the components on the market yet" DFI is the only
motherboard manufacturer that has a BIOS up to date enough to work well
with the 6x86 at any speed. I know someone will argue with that but IN MY
EXPERIENCE, DFI has the only boards that WORK FLAWLESSLY with the 6x86.
Email, Ill give you pricing, just send some specs on the machine you want.
> >Does anyone know where, on the internet, to get the cheapest price on a
> >Cyrix 200????
> >I want to be ready for NASCAR 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Be careful with investment of this processor.
> I also want it to buy till I heard it was considerably slower (in
> floating point = very necessary in games like simulators)
cooler. In addition, try to run the CPU with the lowest voltage possible
(i run my 3.5 Volt Cpu at 3.2 Volts...).
> Rgds Marc Biesmans/Belgium
Just my 2 pennies on the Cyrix 200 debate (or any Cyrix 6x86 for that matter)
People tend to compare these processors like-for-like (6x86 P120+ vs. Intel P120)
which, performance wise, there's not much in it (the comments on both FPU and non-FPU
performance are both valid).
However I firmly believe on comparing them price-wise, which (here in the UK) means a
P166+ Cyrix chip sells for the same price an an Intel P100. Ok, suppliers might get
better prices, but either way I believe the 6x86 is a winner unless you demand
high FPU performance, such as CAD or Quake ing :-)
Someone made a very valid point that 3D cards, when popular, will make FPU's in CPUs
a lesser need (although people will still require them for some uses, naturally).
I would reiterate also that the 6x86 does indeed need to run at the correct voltage, ie.
use a proper motherboard with 3.2v/3.5v rating. Always use a cooler and always use
correct paste between sink and chip. Follow these simple rules, and I'm sure Cyrix
owners out there will agree your chip will give you many hours of *** fun :]
P.S. No, I've got an Intel P133... I think ":[" says it all. ;]
I have Cyrix 166+ (in fact IBM 166+,but that is the same,isnt it ?) myself
and I am extremly satisfied with his speed and everything ,especialy in GP2
(and that is what matters ;-).Compared to my old P133 Intel ,Cyrix 166+ is
~50 % faster acording to estimated fps .What was 13 FPS on P133 ,now is 19
I changed only motherboard+CPU, else is the same.
What more do you need ...oh yes ,the price ,Cyrix was only 50 $ more from
what I get for my old P133 !! Imagine that?! I mean ,realy .......what
else do you need.But ,of course ,you will make your own decisions......I
made mine and I am very happy! :)
On Tue, 26 Nov 1996 19:30:49 +0100, Asgeir Nesoen
Not yet it hasn't, give it six months.
Agree on the 3-D Graphics card, but I think purchasing a new
CPU is better left until MMX enabled CPUs start coming out.
The other CPU manufacturers like Cyrix etc., are all working
on their own MMX instruction emulation. Sometimes you
just have to bite the bullet and get a new CPU, but if there is
a major improvement to CPU performance *just* about to
happen, it might be better to wait.