Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Andrew » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best driving
simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or beat it,
but as of today no one has come close.  This is starting to worry me....
Computer and graphic card technology is continuing to evolve, and yet we're
stuck only with 3Dfx and Rendition support.  There is an unofficial OpenGL
patch, but from what I can tell it's worthiness is hit or miss.  Will it
work with all OpenGL drivers or only those from Nvidia (and that appears to
be only a subset of drivers)?  In the near future I'd like to upgrade my
system, graphics card in particular, unfortunately GPL will prevent me from
purchasing the best technology available.  What I would like to see is an
unofficial DirectX/Direct 3D patch made available by Papyrus or a 3rd party
developer.  This would extend the lifetime of GPL (I don't want to maintain
a specific GPL box), and open up a broader choice of graphics cards.  Do you
think it would be possible to lobby Papy to develop a DX patch?  Or even to
farm out the job to an outside developer.  I would surely pay $10 to $15
dollars to keep this game alive for another few years.  This a very unique
game that faithfully reproduces a great moment in sporting history and I'd
hate to see it fall by the wayside because of something as silly as a
graphics card.  Sure there will be dozens and dozens of modern F1 sims
released in the next 2 years, but they won't have the heart and style of
Grand Prix Legends.

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by NanaKo » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Good posting there........I like it.


David G Fishe

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by David G Fishe » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Didn't know that.

David G Fisher

Bruce Kennewel

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Bruce Kennewel » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well now you do! _can_ learn something new every day!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> > As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best
> > simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or beat
> it,
> > but as of today no one has come close.

> Didn't know that.

> David G Fisher

Andy Jone

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Andy Jone » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I'm faced with the same issue - but I guess I benefit from currently having
a V2. I can still run this alongside a non-Glide card and use it just for

Maybe you should be looking to pick up a V2 second hand or very cheap to sit
alongside your shiny new GeForce !



Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Gaul » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Even though I have a V3 right now, I'm still holding onto one of my V2s
(from my prior SLI setup) for just this reason.  This way I'll still be able
to run GPL in Glide even if I go with a NV15 or some other card in the

Brett C. Camma

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Brett C. Camma » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Take a look at the last part of the message I posted to the "Wanted:
ICR2" thread.  It sorta addresses your thoughts.  It was originally
conceived as a "tongue-in-cheek" idea, but I'm beginning to wonder if
it might actually have some merit...

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Dave Henri

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Dave Henri » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

  So you want a D3d patch for GPL?  unfortunately, you have to get in
A 3dfx patch for Soda
A proper 3dfx patch for N99
A fully functional Opengl patch for GPL

(the next is a 3rd party issue)
A fully functional D3d for N3 that allows the ancient ICR2 road courses
to run in D3D not just 3dfx mode.
After all that, you can expect the D3D version of GPL.
  Any clue how long folks have been waiting for the first item?
dave henrie

> Good posting there........I like it.

> -NK

Steve Blankenshi

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Steve Blankenshi » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The best-selling Voodoo3 at the moment (I think) is the V3-2000 PCI, which
will work alongside your AGP card and will run GPL nicely.  They're cheap
now and will get much cheaper very soon.  And the upcoming V5-5000 is
PCI-only.  So you'll still have choices  for Glide games.  Would have been
nice to have a D3D option for GPL, though, one of many omissions that would
have made it more accessible.


Steve B.


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Ace » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

But WILL he?

> Well now you do!
> _can_ learn something new every day!

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > > As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best
> driving
> > > simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or
> > it,
> > > but as of today no one has come close.

> > Didn't know that.

> > David G Fisher


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by snakehand » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well, I've played'em all. GPL is the one i always come back to. But you
never tried GPL did you???
I think it's best that you and your like keep away from GPL. It's a shame,
however, that you have to negatively comment about it all the time. For me,
it's like going to a great party and being told afterwards, by some prat
that wasn't there, that it was shit!

>> As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best
>> simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or beat
>> but as of today no one has come close.

>Didn't know that.

>David G Fisher

Soren Sarstru

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Soren Sarstru » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

<snip interesting voodoo stuff>

Erm, excuse me for being ignorant, but I thought the V3 was a "full-service"
card, i.e. 2D stuff as well. Is it really possible to run a V3 alongside,
say, a Nvidia or Matrox AGP card?

Yours most baffledly,

Soren Sarstrup
Birmingham UK

Jason Mond

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Jason Mond » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Your right Soren,  the V3 is "full-service".  The V2 will run along side any AGP
card, not the V3.


> <snip interesting voodoo stuff>

> > The best-selling Voodoo3 at the moment (I think) is the V3-2000 PCI, which
> > will work alongside your AGP card and will run GPL nicely.

> Erm, excuse me for being ignorant, but I thought the V3 was a "full-service"
> card, i.e. 2D stuff as well. Is it really possible to run a V3 alongside,
> say, a Nvidia or Matrox AGP card?

> Yours most baffledly,

> Soren Sarstrup
> Birmingham UK

Jason Monds - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL) - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Kieran Larki

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Kieran Larki » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

i have same roblem my voodoo3 2000 is getting old and has no aa
 i want a prophet (based on ge-force) or maxtor (based on tnt2)

Andrew MacPhers

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Andrew MacPhers » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

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