Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Mart » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Now you do.


> > As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best driving
> > simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or beat
> it,
> > but as of today no one has come close.

> Didn't know that.

> David G Fisher


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Mart » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

There's always exceptions to the rule, but I won't name any names. :)


> Well now you do!
> _can_ learn something new every day!

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > > As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best
> driving
> > > simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet or beat
> > it,
> > > but as of today no one has come close.

> > Didn't know that.

> > David G Fisher

Richard Walke

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Richard Walke » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The OpenGL patch is pretty awful.  Ideally, Papy would fix it, but they are
not going to, since as far as they are concerned, GPL is dead.


Me too.  If one of the GPL-stars would like to organise a programmer and
some money, then...

I think Papy would *sell* a copy of the OpenGL code (under a non-disclosure
agreement) to a programmer who paid them enough.  He or she could then
improve the OpenGL.  The same probably applies to the whole game, but with
much more money...


"Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue."

Steve Blankenshi

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Steve Blankenshi » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The V3 "will" do 2D also, but unless I'm sorely mistaken you can add a PCI
V3 and use it in addition to your current AGP card.  The site that quoted
the sales success of the V3-2000 PCI (which escapes me at the moment) stated
just that as the reason.


Steve B.


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by ymenar » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The future of GPL is non-existent.  Sierra will never approve taking some
working hour time off other milking-money project to do whatever addition to

The future of GPL is what we, the community, will do of it.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Steve Garrot

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Steve Garrot » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You can do this, in theory, in Win98 if you either move your monitor
back and forth to the correct display when it switches or get two
montitors and just have two space hogs on your desk. Myself I would
love to get a new Sony Flat Screen as a second monitor. :-) Like I am
that rich! Actually I was thinking of one of those boxes that allows
two monitors, keyboards, mice, and run them to the ba***t and make a
simulation station. That way it can be setup and ready to go when ever
I am want to race. I might also be able to keep my back from hurting
while racing.


>The V3 "will" do 2D also, but unless I'm sorely mistaken you can add a PCI
>V3 and use it in addition to your current AGP card.  The site that quoted
>the sales success of the V3-2000 PCI (which escapes me at the moment) stated
>just that as the reason.


>Steve B.

>> <snip interesting voodoo stuff>

>> > The best-selling Voodoo3 at the moment (I think) is the V3-2000 PCI,
>> > will work alongside your AGP card and will run GPL nicely.

>> Erm, excuse me for being ignorant, but I thought the V3 was a
>> card, i.e. 2D stuff as well. Is it really possible to run a V3 alongside,
>> say, a Nvidia or Matrox AGP card?

>> Yours most baffledly,

>> Soren Sarstrup
>> Birmingham UK

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)
Richard Walke

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Richard Walke » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Of course they won't, since Sierra are a commercial organisation.  It's not
as if Microsoft would bug-fix (or hand out the source to) Word 6!

I suppose even if Papy/Sierra released the source to rastogl.dll it
wouldn't exactly help, since we would need to know how it fits into GPL,
and they probably won't release essential API docs.  Mmmnnn... perhaps if
they released all the rasteriser code, we could compare the 3dfx one...

Hopefully a beautifully-optimised D3D rasteriser.


"Will you still need me, will you still feed me.  When I'm sixty-four."

Uwe Schuerka

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Uwe Schuerka » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>The future of GPL is what we, the community, will do of it.

A good start would be some devoted cracker breaking into their
systems and releasing the source on the net.


Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
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