Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by aws600 » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

As we've all seen over the past year, GPL continues to be the best
driving simulator on the market.  Other companies have promised to meet
or beat it, but as of today no one has come close.  This is starting to
worry me.... Computer and graphic card technology is continuing to
evolve, and yet we're stuck only with 3Dfx and Rendition support.
There is an unofficial OpenGL patch, but from what I can tell it's
worthiness is hit or miss.  Will it work with all OpenGL drivers or
only those from Nvidia (and that appears to be only a subset of
drivers)?  In the near future I'd like to upgrade my system, graphics
card in particular, unfortunately GPL will prevent me from purchasing
the best technology available.  What I would like to see is an
unofficial DirectX/Direct 3D patch made available by Papyrus or a 3rd
party developer.  This would extend the lifetime of GPL (I don't want
to maintain a specific GPL box), and open up a broader choice of
graphics cards.  Do you think it would be possible to lobby Papy to
develop a DX patch?  Or even to farm out the job to an outside
developer?  I would surely pay $10 to $15 dollars to keep this game
alive for another few years.  This a very unique game that faithfully
reproduces a great moment in sporting history and I'd hate to see it
fall by the wayside because of something as silly as a graphics card.
Sure there will be dozens and dozens of modern F1 sims released in the
next 2 years, but they won't have the heart and style of Grand Prix

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Before you buy.

Kirk Lan

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Kirk Lan » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

In theory it shouldn't be too incredibly hard to do...all you need is to
write a DLL to dump in the GPL directory (Matrox made a G200 patch...but it
sucked and hasn't been messed with since October 1998...)  Speaking of that
G200 patch, is there the possibilty that the G200 patch was really just a
D3d patch made by Matrox????????

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

George M. Smile

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by George M. Smile » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

More than possible, it is true.  Regardless work is underway on
a GPL D3D rasteriser by possibly three different individuals that
I know of (one of which may be a Papyrus worker slaving away
in his spare time).

All that is required is patience.

 - George

Don Scurlo

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Don Scurlo » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

That is a GREAT bit of news. I'll be looking forward to it...patiently of

Don Scurlock

Andrew MacPhers

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Andrew MacPhers » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Someone had better tell 3dfx quick... they'd probably pay these guys *not*
to finish :-)

Seriously, that's superb news. Good luck to those involved, it could
ensure GPL goes on forever (or until something better comes along, which
seems to be the same thing).

Of course you probably shouldn't have mentioned this. Within weeks the
Rambo effect will rear its ugly head. Someone'll start shouting "Where's
my D3D patch??? You freakin'*promised*!!!"

Andrew McP... with no faith in human nature whatsoever <g>

Dave Henri

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Dave Henri » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

  Hey!  You Freakin' PROMISED!  Where's the D3D patch.\
dave (smirk) henrie

> > More than possible, it is true.

> Someone had better tell 3dfx quick... they'd probably pay these guys *not*
> to finish :-)

> Seriously, that's superb news. Good luck to those involved, it could
> ensure GPL goes on forever (or until something better comes along, which
> seems to be the same thing).

> Of course you probably shouldn't have mentioned this. Within weeks the
> Rambo effect will rear its ugly head. Someone'll start shouting "Where's
> my D3D patch??? You freakin'*promised*!!!"

> Andrew McP... with no faith in human nature whatsoever <g>


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Andrew » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

This is "possibly" the best news I've heard all day.  Like I said in my
post, I'm willing to pay a few $'s to see this become a reality.

Richard Walke

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Richard Walke » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Is this a team effort, or three separete projects?  The latter would seem
very silly, especially in today's trendy 'Open Source' world!

Anyway, if this becomes a commercial add-on, I'll buy it.  If it's
giftware, then I'll send 'em a chocolate egg or somesuch!  :-)

Never mind patience... Who?  When?  Where?  :-)


"Take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life."

Kirk Lan

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Kirk Lan » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

LOL!!! It has a name now!!  'The Rambo Effect'....too funny!!!!

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"


Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Lee » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

matrox gpl opengl patch 28feb 2000

> In theory it shouldn't be too incredibly hard to do...all you need is to
> write a DLL to dump in the GPL directory (Matrox made a G200 patch...but
> sucked and hasn't been messed with since October 1998...)  Speaking of
> G200 patch, is there the possibilty that the G200 patch was really just a
> D3d patch made by Matrox????????

> --
> Kirk Lane

> ICQ: 28171652
> BRT #187

> "Yeah you won't find me
> I'm going MIA
> Tonight I'm leaving
> Going MIA
> Getting lost in you again
> Is better than being known"
>                      -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

Kirk Lan

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Kirk Lan » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Oh my lord THEY UPDATED THE PATCH????????

Even though a V2 now resides in the PCI slot next door it's worth a look...

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

> matrox gpl opengl patch 28feb 2000

> > In theory it shouldn't be too incredibly hard to do...all you need is to
> > write a DLL to dump in the GPL directory (Matrox made a G200 patch...but
> it
> > sucked and hasn't been messed with since October 1998...)  Speaking of
> that
> > G200 patch, is there the possibilty that the G200 patch was really just
> > D3d patch made by Matrox????????

> > --
> > Kirk Lane

> > ICQ: 28171652
> > BRT #187

> > "Yeah you won't find me
> > I'm going MIA
> > Tonight I'm leaving
> > Going MIA
> > Getting lost in you again
> > Is better than being known"
> >                      -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

Kirk Lan

Future of GPL, is it in jeopardy?

by Kirk Lan » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Wait, wait wait...

It's just Papy's OpenGL patch... =(

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

> matrox gpl opengl patch 28feb 2000

> > In theory it shouldn't be too incredibly hard to do...all you need is to
> > write a DLL to dump in the GPL directory (Matrox made a G200 patch...but
> it
> > sucked and hasn't been messed with since October 1998...)  Speaking of
> that
> > G200 patch, is there the possibilty that the G200 patch was really just
> > D3d patch made by Matrox????????

> > --
> > Kirk Lane

> > ICQ: 28171652
> > BRT #187

> > "Yeah you won't find me
> > I'm going MIA
> > Tonight I'm leaving
> > Going MIA
> > Getting lost in you again
> > Is better than being known"
> >                      -Foo Fighters, "MIA" is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.