driving simulator on the market. Other companies have promised to meet
or beat it, but as of today no one has come close. This is starting to
worry me.... Computer and graphic card technology is continuing to
evolve, and yet we're stuck only with 3Dfx and Rendition support.
There is an unofficial OpenGL patch, but from what I can tell it's
worthiness is hit or miss. Will it work with all OpenGL drivers or
only those from Nvidia (and that appears to be only a subset of
drivers)? In the near future I'd like to upgrade my system, graphics
card in particular, unfortunately GPL will prevent me from purchasing
the best technology available. What I would like to see is an
unofficial DirectX/Direct 3D patch made available by Papyrus or a 3rd
party developer. This would extend the lifetime of GPL (I don't want
to maintain a specific GPL box), and open up a broader choice of
graphics cards. Do you think it would be possible to lobby Papy to
develop a DX patch? Or even to farm out the job to an outside
developer? I would surely pay $10 to $15 dollars to keep this game
alive for another few years. This a very unique game that faithfully
reproduces a great moment in sporting history and I'd hate to see it
fall by the wayside because of something as silly as a graphics card.
Sure there will be dozens and dozens of modern F1 sims released in the
next 2 years, but they won't have the heart and style of Grand Prix
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.