>Well, I don't know if "grinding" was the right word. In german I would say
>"surren" which my dictionary translates to whiz(z). If it's normal to feel
>AND hear the cable while turning the wheel, then I think there's nothing
>wrong. Anyway there seems to be a general problem with FF wheels regarding
>the smoothness of the steering.
I don't speak German, but your description of "surren" feels like a
good description of my Formula Force.
It's much more obvious when powered down.
It doesn't really feel like anything binding, but there is a slight
friction and whir of a sliding cable when the wheel is moved with the
wheel powered down.
It is *very* slight when powered up and just moving the wheel, and not
really noticeable at all when using it to play a game.
I wasn't overly impressed with Vipers FF either, BTW
It seems to go from from vague to arm twisting then back to vague way
too much. If anything, it feels overdone.