I am new to newsgroup posting so please excuse me if I get the format wrong. I
don't know if anyone else has tried this, but if you look at the way the
horizons for the converted IMS or Riverside tracks are created you can see that
they use bitmaps that are essentially 1536 pixels long. The files are
horiz.3do, page03.mip and page03b.mip. The horizons for the icr2 converted
tracks are created from bitmaps that are only 256 pixels long; however the icr2
rendition unconverted horizons are from bitmaps that are 1600 pixels long.
If you convert a horiz.m16 file from an icr2 track to a bitmap, rotate and
resize (or resample) it to 1600 x 64 pixels you can cut it into 8 pieces (the
last 64 pixels of one section overlap the first 64 of the next) and arrange
them like the page03 files. Then convert these to .mips and place them along
with a copy of horiz.3do, say from the converted IMS track, into the
appropriate track directory and you wind up with much less blurring of the
horizon. Perhaps there is an easier way to do this but it worked for me and
thought maybe somebody else might be interested.