Beleive it or not...the programmers of SCGT at first did not include a
***pit view for the sim. It was only after Beta testers yelled loud
and long did they throw in a***pit. So unfortunately the headlites
have never worked in the***pit. They DO work from the outside view,
but what good is that to us 'Office Drivers." The best solution is to
go to the video options and crank the in-game GAMMA settings up to the
max possible. Then for more effect go to your vidcard settings on the
desktop and raise the gamma settings for your whole system. Light!
Bring us light!
I have it on good authority that F12k, which shares much of SCGT's
code, does not have working headlights either... :)
dave henrie
> I've been trying out the demo of SCGT and I like it! The only thing I don't
> like is the fact that, at night, I can't see any effect from my headlights
> (when in***pit view). My question is: Is this fixed in the full release?
> Or if not, is it fixed in the patch? If it is, then I may well be buying
> this sim fairly soon...
> Also, if you run a 24-hour race, does it go dark and then light again?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Please visit today!