Yea, maybe it's a little early yet, but heck I've got things on my mind
so I'm gonna go ahead and suggest away. Maybe the programmers at Papy are
already thinking a year(?) or two ahead. (They should be!)
It seems that voice acitvated software is gonna be very do-able very
soon. So why not start incorporating it in to NASCAR 3. A head-set which
allows the drivers to make basic requests via voice would be EXCELLENT for
pit stop agendas. (It is really hard to have to push those darn buttons to
tell the pit guys to change the tire pressure, etc. when you're nose to
someone that used an external program called Voice Commander(?). Maybe
this is the way to go, but I'll wait for the critic's advise first.
Anyways this feature would add a **GIGANTOID** amount of realism to the
sim. (I don't think I can say GIGANTOID loud enough.)
This may at first seem a bit far fetched, but the tech for it is out there
now. A set of VR goggles, that will replace the screen, that will allow
the driver to turn his/her head and actually see out the side windows, as
well as what's in front. From what I've seen in the public this is do able
with the most basic of simple head turning/tracking VR technology.
With these two things implemented it would only be a small step to
incorporate a more realistic racing helmet with VR goggles, voice
activated head set and an electrical connection that zaps 50 volts of
heart jumping pain into the cranium when you wreck.
(If it were up to me, and the driver smacked other players in the
first 200 yards of a no pace lap start the voltage would be increased by
100%. Hawaii frustration finally vented, ahhhh.....)
I beleive all this is feasable now, and should(?) be priced for the
consumer by the time N3 is out.
Oh, and of course game save ability for those who don't have 4 hrs at a
time to race.
Comments from knowlegeables closer to the technology would be interesting.