What can I tell you...
1. There is always a 50% chance you won't have sound on the
track when starting F1RS
2. If there is any chance of humidity you tend to have a "black"
3. Invisible cars on occasion
4. When crossing pitlane entrance at any track during a race there
seems to be a random chance of switching to the outside view
of your car.
5. Fuel mileage is not displayed in setup sometimes even after many
6. Even after setting up a pit strategy you have to manually enter
the amount of fuel you want at each pitstop in a race.
7. When saving setups sometimes your values are different after
you save...they are often different when printing a setup.
8. The false start functions when it wants to...even after making
sure its enabled.
9. The replay functions when it wants to...even after I've
made sure its enabled.
10. No restart function...though this may be disabled in
skill level.
11. Telemetry is awful...no wheelspin, superimposing crashes the
game...no description of editing controls in Telemetry. Oh, and
its also inaccurate.
12. Horrendous frame rate slowdown when many cars are in front
view...even after cutting the graphics back.
13. When exiting your pit during a race it goes to external view.
14. Even when you have 20 good tires in storage, your car on the
last sprint of a race will be VERY loose...whether the game
gives you used tires or takes away your rear wing I can't tell.
15. Not near enough breakdowns (including my own) or accidents.
16. The menu is by far the most user-unfriendly I have ever seen...
I say again...its absolutely horrendous.
17. Takes FAR too long to end race if you decide to abandon it...
have end task & restart game.
18. When the replay function does work...various graphics bugs
show up.
19. Lap info & times are too far up the screen to view safely...and
not informative enough
Realistic/Expert settings
100% race distance
1.08 patched
USA version (if there is one)
2nd install of F1RS
233 AMD K6
ASUS TX97 motherboard
WIN95 B version
Monster I 3dfx
Matrox Millenium I
64 meg SDRAM
T2 wheel & pedals
Soundblaster 16
300 MB swap file
And this is only after racing two tracks! I'm sure there will
be more bugs to follow...as tracking down major defects in F1RS
is much more fun than actually playing it.
Another $40 box of eye candy lacking in substance and actual
playability...I suppose we bring this upon ourselves...give em
an inch & they will take us mile after mile.