>Ok, approximately how much are we talkin' here...?
>>I havent gone over a price of $60.00(US) on the ICR2 cars. The palette for N2 however is much harder to work >>with and sometimes its a "painstakingly" pixel by pixel application, but my price for N2 cars hasnt risen >>above $80.00(US). It really depends on how long it takes me. I have to "search" the web sometimes for a >>couple of hours just to get the logos (sponsors) requested. If you gave me a fairly "detailed" description, I >>could come up with a more acurate price. The bottom line is I w
>>research and "streamlining" involved. If you could imagine an average
>>$70.00 for 15 hours then you're looking at close to minimum wage. I
>>think that Im very "reasonable" when it comes to my time and ability.
>>The reason is, I like to work on these cars, but not for free. =8>]
>> -DG-
>This, from the guy who spammed us all with the Blaupunkt Indy Car.
>Does ANYONE think an N2 car should be PAID for, let alone 80 FREAKIN'
Well first of all Jimmy "I'll take all you can Gimme" McKinley,
I didn't "spam" anyone with my "BodyGlove/Blaupunkt ICR2 design. I
posted it on a
International "simulator, bianary newsgroup" for the taking.
Second of all I had a nothing but positive response and alot of people
are racing that design as
we speak. I "gave" it away at NO charge because I had created it for
myself and offered it to
the not so "artistic" that wanted to drive something besides the default
Thirdly, you asked for someone to "paint" a custom car for your
"sweetheart". I offered my services
to you for a very reasonable price.
Lets see, what do you for a living and do you do it for free?!
I dont think so! Or maybe you do, the way you *** over 80 dollars for
around 10 hours of work
that takes a little more than average skill. It might be that you're
"low budget" and dont have a job! Thats
what it sounds like with your "immature" uproar.
If you can find the same "quality" for FREE, more power to ya'!