###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

David Noona

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by David Noona » Sat, 12 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> >   Ok, approximately how much are we talkin' here...?

> >>>I havent gone over a price of $60.00(US) on the ICR2 cars...

>   This, from the guy who spammed us all with the Blaupunkt Indy Car.
> Does ANYONE think an N2 car should be PAID for, let alone 80 FREAKIN'
> dollars....????


Is this a bad moment to mention that I have written a convertion program
for ICR2 -> N2, but I want to charge for it (although I intend to have a
free version with some limitations)?. I can honestly say that I think it
has been a task a few magnitudes greater in difficulty than painting a car.
I have also been anticipating that some will be none too happy with the

Be gentle please!.

Dave Noonan

P.S. Anyone willing to send me a 16-bit texture (.m16) from a rendition

Mike Fraz

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Mike Fraz » Sat, 12 Apr 1997 04:00:00

Thank GOD I am artistic...the game doesnt mean THAT much to me :))))))

Mike Frazer

>>> <tongue in cheek>
>>> If you can afford $80 a car, my expert time surely is worth at least this
>>> much.  So in case anyone in interested, I've decided to start charging
>>> $100/hour for hardware recommendations and general tech support.  If you
>>> send me an e-mail asking for help, expect a bill to soon follow.  Hey,
>>> perhaps I can even convince Dave to start charging for our IWCCCARS so we
>>> can all be rich. =)
>>> </tongue in cheek>*

>>> * Note: for the humor impared I've kindly included these slightly
>>> non-standard HTML tags.

>LOL! I like those new HTML tags, Eric.

>FWIW, I'm with Jim on this one. If the guy wants to charge, let him charge.
>People come to IWCCCARS all the time asking us to do custom cars for them.
>Frankly, we don't even have the time to keep up with all the changes in the
>real cars and maintain the quality that people associate with the project,
>much less be able to do a custom car for everyone that asks for one. So if
>this guy fills a void, and people are willing to pay for it, more power to

>Dave Sparks
>IWCCCARS Project:
>Late Night League:
>Hawaii Handle: davids

Mike Frazer
#11 American Airlines/STP/MBNA Ford, IGN
Prime Time Motorsports

David Gar

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by David Gar » Sat, 12 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> > <tongue in cheek>
> > If you can afford $80 a car, my expert time surely is worth at least this
> > much.  So in case anyone in interested, I've decided to start charging
> > $100/hour for hardware recommendations and general tech support.  If you
> > send me an e-mail asking for help, expect a bill to soon follow.  Hey,
> > perhaps I can even convince Dave to start charging for our IWCCCARS so we
> > can all be rich. =)
> > </tongue in cheek>*

> > * Note: for the humor impared I've kindly included these slightly
> > non-standard HTML tags.

> > --

> Hiya' Eric,

> I am very grateful for what you've done for "free" in the past along
> with
> all the thanks from the other guys.

> You just tell me when your ready to start painting FREE "custom" cars
> for every
> Tom,***, and Harry that wonders into this newsgroup and
> Ill send some orders your way. I think anyone with a "half a brain" can
> see my point.

> BTW, how are those '97s comin'?!! If you need any templates let me know!
> I'll even give 'em to ya for FREE!

> =8>]

> -DG-


Go check out
for my "next" project. Look at MOMO racing team!
Hey! Its even FREE!




###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Ia » Sun, 13 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> However Im not here to paint "FREE" cars for every moron that walks in here and says "I need
>someone to paint a car for my girlfriend!"



I'm not going to comment on the issue of charging a fee for designing
a custom car.  If you want to do so, and if someone is willing to pay
for it, that's fine, more power to you.

What I DO want to comment on, Mr. Gary, is your beligerent, obnoxious
attitude.  Is there really any need to publicly refer to someone as a
"moron" and make sniping little comments about his "sweetheart"
simply because he makes an innocent request in this newsgroup?
Mr. McKinley asked a simple question, the type of question that
appears many times a day in this newsgroup.  I may be wrong, but I
always assumed the purpose of this newsgroup was the exchange of
information and ideas to enhance and improve simulation racing for all
of us.   Perhaps you and Richard Manning should get together and form
your own simulator newsgroup where you can whine, brag, flame, and
insult to your hearts' content.

As for charging a fee for a paintjob or a utility, can you in all
honesty say that you have NEVER downloaded any add-ons that someone
else has created for any of the sims?  If you HAVE downloaded any of
these enhancements, have you ever thought about sending the author a
few bucks in appreciation of their time and efforts?  Or are you just
sitting back and having a good chuckle because these suckers are such
pathetic losers for giving their work away for free?

Feel free to flame ME now, bearing in mind that the impact of the
insult upon me is directly proportional to the amount of respect that
I have for the source.


Ed Benso

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Ed Benso » Sun, 13 Apr 1997 04:00:00


> > I have no connection to this guy either way, but it's a free market;
> > no one has the right to tell this guy that he IS NOT PERMITTED to
> > charge whatever he wants for his services. (Of course, you being a
> > consumer in a free market are free to not buy the product at the price
> > offered...) Then again, I'd have to help the Devil himself shovel his
> > car out of his parking space before I'd pay for my own car... :-)

> > ---Jim Sokoloff

> Now Jim here seems to know the meaning of "services rendered".
> as for the devil and his "parking spot", who would "pay" for
> a car when the company one "was" working for was paying the
> salary of a whole art dept.? (g)
> I'm takin' a "shot on the dark" but Im pretty sure the "art"
> dept at Papy didnt walked in everyday for free!

> =8>]

> -DG-

Jim made the key point, it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge
$80 for custom designs, that is his right. However, considering that the
going free market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0,
I suspect that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it
mildly. If you are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way
of expressing your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a
secific car design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's
already been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough.


"A friend of mine suggested I try America Online, I said 'But I already
a computer...'"

Jimmy McKinl

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Jimmy McKinl » Sun, 13 Apr 1997 04:00:00

>> -DG-

>Jim made the key point, it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge
>$80 for custom designs, that is his right. However, considering that the
>going free market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0,
>I suspect that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it
>mildly. If you are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way
>of expressing your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a
>secific car design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's
>already been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough.

  Oh, I agree, Ed!  If people can get the same cars for free, why pay 80
ROD-KNOCKIN' dollars for them??   And he says he "has a demand for his
high-quality cars..."   3 cars in the last TWO YEARS is hardly demand....
Jimmy McKinl

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Jimmy McKinl » Sun, 13 Apr 1997 04:00:00

  Thank YOU, Ian, for sticking up for us "morons"....All I asked was for
someone to PLEASE paint a car so that my wife had her own car to race.  When
the price of having a car painted is TWICE as much as what I paid for the
game, then I think it's time that we reported this guy to the IRS (for tax
evasion, possibly...?) and Papyrus for charging people for using a licensed
product for his own benefit and reaping an income from it.  I thought that to
us "non-Papyrus" types that the game was just that: A GAME!  Not a way to make
money off of it....

David Gar

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by David Gar » Sun, 13 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> Jim made the key point, it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge
> $80 for custom designs, that is his right. However, considering that the
> going free market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0,
> I suspect that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it
> mildly. If you are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way
> of expressing your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a
> secific car design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's
> already been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough.

> --
> Ed

Mr. Benson,

Please tell me what you base your statement on when you say "The market
value for "fictional"
and "non-fictional" cars is "zero". If not, I take it that your
statement is hypothetical and
thus means you have "stated" with no true foundation of fact. Stating
that the "market value"
is zero leads one to believe their IS a market and that there is a
certain "value" for this
market. Where is the information on the "value" on this market and "who"
sets the value? In
other words, there couldnt possibly be a "market" if it where based on a
value of "zero". I
suppose this would question your intellegence of "market" principals.

The bottom line is: "painting" or "designing" the pcx files for these
cars is time consuming
and takes not only "know-how", but a certain degree of "design"
expertise. I base the price
I would charge solely on the time and effort it would take to create
what some-one "personally"
asked for. I consider it "art" and "design" to a degree and therefore
would charge for "those"
services rendered from my past experience in art and design.

The fact of the matter is I HAVE been payed in the past for "these"
services. It is not my livelyhood
of course, but it therefore concludes that there IS a "market" for it.

I stated that these designs take me anywhere form 6 to 15 hours to
"collect", "design", and "create".
Now basing this on a general time=price. 10 hours for $70(US) is $7 an
hour and, IMO, a pretty
reasonable amount when it comes to the quality I feel I give from my
experience. If one is "offended"
by this it just goes to show they have no "clue" what the "value" of the
dollar in this day and era.

I can almost guarantee that noone will find a "design" that will match
there "precise" expectations
for certain "logos" and "sponsors". If they have an idea the only way to
get that "idea" into "reality"
or in this case "virtual" reality is to cater to one's exact
description. This is called "customizing"
and there is a "proven" "market" for that.

-David Gary-


###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Jn1414 » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> Jim made the key point, it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge
> $80 for custom designs, that is his right. However, considering that the
> going free market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0,
> I suspect that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it >

mildly. If you are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way >
of expressing your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a >
secific car design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's >
already been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough. >  > --

Mr. Benson,

Please tell me what you base your statement on when you say "The market
value for "fictional" and "non-fictional" cars is "zero". If not, I take
it that your statement is hypothetical and thus means you have "stated"
with no true foundation of fact. Stating that the "market value"  is zero
leads one to believe their IS a market and that there is a certain "value"
for this market. Where is the information on the "value" on this market
and "who" sets the value? In other words, there couldnt possibly be a
"market" if it where based on a value of "zero". I suppose this would
question your intellegence of "market" principals.

The bottom line is: "painting" or "designing" the pcx files for these cars
is time consuming and takes not only "know-how", but a certain degree of
"design" expertise. I base the price I would charge solely on the time and
effort it would take to create what some-one "personally"  asked for. I
consider it "art" and "design" to a degree and therefore would charge for
"those" services rendered from my past experience in art and design.

The fact of the matter is I HAVE been payed in the past for "these"
services. It is not my livelyhood of course, but it therefore concludes
that there IS a "market" for it.

I stated that these designs take me anywhere form 6 to 15 hours to
"collect", "design", and "create". Now basing this on a general
time=price. 10 hours for $70(US) is $7 an hour and, IMO, a pretty
reasonable amount when it comes to the quality I feel I give from my
experience. If one is "offended" by this it just goes to show they have no
"clue" what the "value" of the dollar in this day and era.

I can almost guarantee that noone will find a "design" that will match
there "precise" expectations for certain "logos" and "sponsors". If they
have an idea the only way to get that "idea" into "reality" or in this
case "virtual" reality is to cater to one's exact description. This is
called "customizing" and there is a "proven" "market" for that.

 -David Gary- <

Charge all you want big man, only true idiots or someone lacking knowledge
of the 'market' as you call it would be stupid enough to pay you for your
precious time.


Jason Nichols


SportSim Football League



###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by ROSC » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

Even though I like cars, (i don't have N2) It would not make sense to get
this for $80.00 for 5 measly cars which you can find with similar quality
free!!  I remember downloading a whole set of N1 cars, plus downloading
others.  All I can say is that these people who work their butts off
creating cars for long periods and sending them free,  at their cost, are
doing this for seeing others enjoy the game.  Your extremely high pricing
is very unusual, for the people who would normally get your cars free on
the net or buy for a few bucks would treat $80 as a slap in the face.  My
only hope is that you start posting your cars on the net for free, to
someone else's website.  You will go out of buisness most likely with this
kind of practice.
     By the way, remember Alan Kulwicki.

Dale Earnhardt: "Hey Ron...It's Earnhardt...your wife called...said sumpn' 'bout an anneversary..."

Ron Hornaday "Aww..."(slamms on brakes)

Alex Santantoni

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Alex Santantoni » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> > Jim made the key point, it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge
> > $80 for custom designs, that is his right. However, considering that the
> > going free market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0,
> > I suspect that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it
> > mildly. If you are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way
> > of expressing your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a
> > secific car design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's
> > already been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough.

> > --
> > Ed

> Mr. Benson,

> Please tell me what you base your statement on when you say "The market
> value for "fictional"
> and "non-fictional" cars is "zero". If not, I take it that your
> statement is hypothetical and
> thus means you have "stated" with no true foundation of fact. Stating
> that the "market value"
> is zero leads one to believe their IS a market and that there is a
> certain "value" for this
> market. Where is the information on the "value" on this market and "who"
> sets the value? In
> other words, there couldnt possibly be a "market" if it where based on a
> value of "zero". I
> suppose this would question your intellegence of "market" principals.

> The bottom line is: "painting" or "designing" the pcx files for these
> cars is time consuming
> and takes not only "know-how", but a certain degree of "design"
> expertise. I base the price
> I would charge solely on the time and effort it would take to create
> what some-one "personally"
> asked for. I consider it "art" and "design" to a degree and therefore
> would charge for "those"
> services rendered from my past experience in art and design.

> The fact of the matter is I HAVE been payed in the past for "these"
> services. It is not my livelyhood
> of course, but it therefore concludes that there IS a "market" for it.

> I stated that these designs take me anywhere form 6 to 15 hours to
> "collect", "design", and "create".
> Now basing this on a general time=price. 10 hours for $70(US) is $7 an
> hour and, IMO, a pretty
> reasonable amount when it comes to the quality I feel I give from my
> experience. If one is "offended"
> by this it just goes to show they have no "clue" what the "value" of the
> dollar in this day and era.

> I can almost guarantee that noone will find a "design" that will match
> there "precise" expectations
> for certain "logos" and "sponsors". If they have an idea the only way to
> get that "idea" into "reality"
> or in this case "virtual" reality is to cater to one's exact
> description. This is called "customizing"
> and there is a "proven" "market" for that.

> -David Gary-

So just to get it straight, you are not going to charge us for all of
the time you have TROWN AWAY trying to defend your position.  I mean
after all you should get at least $50 for each letter you write to us on
R.A.S right?

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Jn1414 » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

it's a free market. If Mr. Gary wants to charge > > $80 for custom
designs, that is his right. However, considering that the > > going free
market value for both fictinal and non-fictional cars is $0, > > I suspect
that he is pricing himself out of the market, to put it > > mildly. If you
are offended by his pricing, you have a very simple way > > of expressing
your dislpeasure- don't buy from him. If you have a > > secific car
design, sponsor, etc. in mind, there is a good chance it's > > already
been posted somewhere, for free, if you look hard enough. > > > > -- > >
Ed > > >  > Mr. Benson, >  > Please tell me what you base your statement
on when you say "The market > value for "fictional" > and "non-fictional"
cars is "zero". If not, I take it that your > statement is hypothetical
and > thus means you have "stated" with no true foundation of fact.
Stating > that the "market value" > is zero leads one to believe their IS
a market and that there is a > certain "value" for this > market. Where is
the information on the "value" on this market and "who" > sets the value?
In > other words, there couldnt possibly be a "market" if it where based
on a > value of "zero". I > suppose this would question your intellegence
of "market" principals. >  > The bottom line is: "painting" or "designing"
the pcx files for these > cars is time consuming > and takes not only
"know-how", but a certain degree of "design" > expertise. I base the price
what some-one "personally" > asked for. I consider it "art" and "design"
to a degree and therefore > would charge for "those" > services rendered
from my past experience in art and design. >  > The fact of the matter is
I HAVE been payed in the past for "these" > services. It is not my
livelyhood > of course, but it therefore concludes that there IS a
"market" for it. >  > I stated that these designs take me anywhere form 6
to 15 hours to > "collect", "design", and "create". > Now basing this on a
general time=price. 10 hours for $70(US) is $7 an > hour and, IMO, a
pretty > reasonable amount when it comes to the quality I feel I give from
my > experience. If one is "offended" > by this it just goes to show they
have no "clue" what the "value" of the > dollar in this day and era. >  >
I can almost guarantee that noone will find a "design" that will match >
there "precise" expectations > for certain "logos" and "sponsors". If they
have an idea the only way to > get that "idea" into "reality" > or in this
case "virtual" reality is to cater to one's exact > description. This is
called "customizing" > and there is a "proven" "market" for that. >  >
-David Gary-

So just to get it straight, you are not going to charge us for all of the
time you have TROWN AWAY trying to defend your position.  I mean after all
you should get at least $50 for each letter you write to us on R.A.S
right? <

I think he OWES US each $50 for our wasted time reading about his


Jason Nichols


SportSim Football League


David Gar

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by David Gar » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

> >Subject: Re: ###*** N2:  Can you believe this...???***### From: David

> Charge all you want big man, only true idiots or someone lacking knowledge
> of the 'market' as you call it would be stupid enough to pay you for your
> precious time.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------

> Jason Nichols

> Commissioner

> SportSim Football League


A fine reply from someone that was searching for a "Vols" car! Why didnt
you paint it yourself?
hmmmmmm, maybe you dont have a clue! Just goes to show how someone might
take your reply with a grain of salt.



Eric T. Busc

###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by Eric T. Busc » Mon, 14 Apr 1997 04:00:00

Please drop this thread...



###*** N2: Can you believe this...???***###

by ROSC » Tue, 15 Apr 1997 04:00:00

David Gary is such a greedy guy!!! More than 100, if not 1000 people make
free cars with better or similar quality.  And MORE than 3 people got
them.  I think this is a ripoff by a "simulator fan".
Dale Earnhardt: "Hey Ron...It's Earnhardt...your wife called...said sumpn' 'bout an anneversary..."

Ron Hornaday "Aww..."(slamms on brakes) is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.