Granberg) read out his poetry:
>>I just downloaded v2.2 of this fine utility, and found the gearchange
>>analyser, which makes me wonder, what is a "speedshift"? Is it good
>>or bad? I'm hoping bad at the moment as I don't do many!
>As David pointed out it can be both good and bad, depending on what
>you think is the correct way to treat the car. I think it is bad!
>>And that leads me to another question. Are the revs just divided by
>>10, or is it not that simple?
>Not quite that simple. The revs in the rpy-file are in some non-linear
>units. Nate Hine has found some way of translating them to more
>correct RPM-values, but I have yet to try this so I can't comment of
Thanks for the answers. And for the utility itself, of course