I'm having trouble still with getting suspension anti-pitch fully
After lots of small drawings etc. I do believe I understand what's
going on, but the end result (weight transfer not being different when
anti-pitch is used) just doesn't match.
I'll post a calculation that was taken in the following test:
- a car weighing 7160N
- 50/50 weight balance
- 50% brake bias (just for debugging)
- the car is driving forward at about 20 km/h
- brakes are full on (locked wheels on all sides)
- wheelbase: 2.4m
- anti_pitch=100% for all suspensions (all 4 sides)
Time was stopped; telemetry indicating:
- acceleration = -0.896 g (braking)
- CG height = 0.388 (average of all 4 wheels)
- Theoretical wgt transfer: 1036N front, -1036N rear
- Actual wgt transfer: 437N front, -586N rear
Indicating problems also are:
- Actual weight of the car: 7000N (summed load)
- Actual weight transfer: 57% front;
theoretical = 64% front.
Theoretic weight transfer is calculated using W=a_x/g*h/L, where
g=9.81, h=CG height, L=wheelbase.
Note the actual weight of the car (the summed loads on all tires)
changes throughout t he entire manouevre. Doesn't sound right, does
Perhaps someone can spot the fault in the following program flow then:
- Fx on the front tires (braking longitudinal) = -1834N
- Fx on the rear tires = -1365N
- Since anti_pitch=100%, no pitching torques arise from the springs
(this is confirmed in the code; the springs all balance out to near-0
- All weight transfer is therefore led directly through the suspension
- With anti_pitch being 100%, the relationship between Fz and Fx is
Fz/Fx=h/L. (Gillespie, pg. 251)
This results in: Fz=Fx*h/L = Fx*0.1617 = 1834*0.1617 = 296N for
each front tire, and Fz=220N for each rear tire.
- That gives the total wgt transfer as shown above: 2x296= -592N rear,
2x220= 440N front.
- That isn't the theoretical 1036N. What's missing?
Something which my eye spotted (thanks, eye): in Gillespie, pg. 252,
he continues with eq. 7-16 being: e/d=2*h/L. I can't quite follow
that; how would I then relate the jacking forces for just 1
suspension? Use e and d instead of h and L? (the instant center's
longitudinal and vertical distances from the contact patch center)
The extra 2 in the above might have something to do with it; after
all, take the current weight transfer; 592+440 = 1032N, which is very
close to that 1036N theoretical number.
Also, a thing I don't get is that since the braking forces on the
front (1834N) is dif ferent from the rear (1365N); this is ok in
itself, but it leads to different jacking forces (296 vs. 220N) as
well; how could this be, if the weight ADDED on the front should equal
the weight SUBTRACTED/LIFTED at the rear? (given that all weight
transfer goes through the links directly)
Thanks very much for any comments on my lacking knowledge,
Ruud van Gaal
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