No multiple controller support. No play.
> OK, that's what I was looking for. How do you get them to work in any
> game other than a game that supports two input devices, like GPS, or N4?
> They show up in game controllers as a separate device, but in games that
> don't allow use of two controllers, they don't work. Tell me how to use
> the ActLabs pedals with the LWFF, please!! LIke in RC2000, CMR2,
> or....??
> >I have the Wingman FF GP and Act Labs Pedals. I unplugged the Logitech
> >pedals to get them out of the way. Everything works GREAT.
> >> Will these pedals work with the Momo Wheel?
> >> Best wheel I've ever used, but man, those damned pedals!
> >> Why oh why can't Logitech do the WHOLE job right?
> >> -Larry
> >> > Just received my Act Labs Performance Pedals.
> >> > Have I got this right, there is no way to get separate axis on pedals
> >> > games that don't support two controllers?
> >> > I hook up the pedals USB, they are a separate device and only those
> >> > supporting two controllers work.
> >> > I hook up the pedals to the RS Force, and no separate axis.
> >> > This pretty much sucks. I'm going to use my LWFF (with it's heavily
> >> > modded pedals!) and the Act Labs pedals, I guess, and will only be
> >> > to use the Act Labs pedals in games that support two controllers.
> >> > If I'm missing something, can someone tell me what?
> >> > Right now I'm doing rally games, RC2000, CMR2, and hopefully later
> >> > week, RT. Can't use the new pedals, haven't been able to use them
> >> > Sigh......
> >> > --
> >> > Tom Hesselman
> >> > Greenville, WI
> --
> Tom Hesselman
> Greenville, WI