>>I dont think it's wise to discuss how good an individual is or is not in
>>sims. People will only get upset. There are also too many variables which
>>can't be seen. I will say that there are people like George who who I firmly
>>believe is fantastic because his talent is TOO obvious. There are many
>>others who simply practice so much that they can't help but burn every
>>movement of their hands and feet into their subconscious. The amount of
>>hours some put into a sim is unreal. Someone else with a fraction of the
>>practice time can step in and challenge them. That's what I consider a great
>>sim racer/athlete/artist/etc. Natural talent. A lot of 15 year olds can play
>>VH's Eruption perfectly. That doesn't make them a great guitar player.
>If someone has the ability to be persistent to archieve a goal, and
>has the discipline to put many hours at it, I would say it is a
>talent, aswell. If someone has the talent "for free", you can hardly
>say they've earned it.
Quite true. The way in which you approach the game is the key wether
you're talented or not. And as for talent in GPL, well, I don't think
you would brand yourself talented until you manage a good setup, which
will require quite a few laps at the end of the day.
But one word rings in my ears everytime I think of GPL, and that is
CONSISTENCY. If you can't reproduce your best time and time again then
all the talent in the world is useless. We are in a sense teaching
ourselves a new skill, driving a GPL car.
Look at snooker, it requires a lot of accuracy and all the top 16
players are have it perhaps as good as each othe, but who are the
winners? Davis, Hendry, Higgins not O'Sullivan.
It might seem odd compaing GPL to snooker, but both require
consistency, and a lot of commitment to be able to produce your best
again and again. I would class professional snooker far more difficult
of course, but we don't want to go down that road...
I can drive the Lotus quite fast for my standard nowadays, but sooner
or later I end up making a mistake. But I have managed 30 laps before,
I just don't think you could achieve consistency without a lot of
hours. Or is consistency a talent in itslef?
if so, I am definitely not talented. At least for GPL anyway.