occasionally) who seem to think they run r.a.s.
What do you guys want? I want you to be happy so please tell me.
Here's an example. I have posted four innocuous, GPL related posts in the
last THREE MONTHS leading up to one the
other day. GPL has been out for six months and I have had virtually NO
COMMENT on it for half that time. I'm repeating this in my posts only
because I see some new posts today still accusing me of ripping GPL. Those
numbers don't seem to sink in.
Two days ago I politely disagree with someone about GPL and then,
predictably, VERY FAMILIAR names from the Papyrus group of cheerleaders
immediately accuse me of "again and again ad infinitum" attacking GPL. They
say I "obsessively" and "constantly" criticize it. They e-mail me with
similiar comments. They immediately want to start an argument here at r.a.s.
which MUST bore most of you.
How does four posts over three months translate to the above? It would of
been almost impossible for me to be LESS critical. What the he** is wrong
with GPL/Papyrus fans? You guys pull this ***with so many people it's
bizarre. You cry if GPL is criticized by anyone, especially in a review by a
*** web site, yet you blungeon other sims, their developers/publishers,
their fans, and eagerly provide links to reviews which you just happen to
agree with. You wonder why some jokingly refer to you as a cult?
How does the FACT that I've stated over, and over, and over, and over, that
GPL is an excellent sim get ignored? Dumb question Dave.
Is there some kind of rule that I need to repeat this with every third
sentence in any GPL related posts? Should I put it in my sig line? Tell me
what the rules are for GPL posting. I missed the meeting.
As ymenard said, it's all politics. It's about cheerleading for your
and attacking any "opponent". Accuracy and fact are irrelevent. Emotion is
everything. No wonder developers/publishers avoid it so much (Pat). They
want facts, not melodrama.
I only posted this as a perfect example of something that I've seen happen
here so often. Distortion, exaggeration, and a disregard of the facts is
used by some simply so they can make others see them as winners in a silly
You'd think that type of ***could at least be left out of discussions
about sims. Do we really need it here too?
As for the same "Papyrus 10" who have been trying to bust my balls (and
failing miserably) for the past year and a half, why don't you simply put my
name on your "ignore" list and be happy? The other r.a.s. users surely find
the bickering tedious. Also, there may be a sim coming out
pretty soon which I may say (gulp) is better than GPL. You don't want to
have to suffer through that, do you?
David G Fisher
GPL is an excellent sim. (my new sig line)