schedule. I recall drivers and teams complaining a few years ago that
30 Winston Cup events was too many; now there are something like 36 or
37. I fear that more and more teams who are not in contention will
sit out races in the second half as a result, and the integrity of the
sport will be hurt. I also foresee drivers and teams leaving
permanently for other racing leagues that have more sane schedules.
My suggestion is, why not simply limit the number of races to 30? If
they add a race, they have to delete one. I know why it won't happen,
of course, because of greed. There is money to be made at each race,
so the more the better, in the shortsighted view of some. But do we
really need two races each year at Pocono, New Hampshire, Michigan,
C***te, Talladega, etc.? I think the races would be more special
if there were only one a year at those places. And ultimately, the
long-term health of the sport would be guaranteed.
I doubt if anyone from NASCAR would actually consider the idea, given
how successful they are right now, but I think they're being
shortsighted and it will come back to bite them.