% >> I have f1racing sim on my Pii and i love this game
% >> So i decided to buy the new Formula thrusmaster wheel
% >> Very nice but i can't play with it on F1R
% >> The wheel is correct but the gaz and power doen't respond
% >
% >Hi Olivier,
% >Have you correctly configured your wheel in Win95's controller setup?
% >Ensure you set it as a "race car controller". F1RS should then pick up your
% >inputs automatically when you define your controls.
% >
% I had the same problem last night. My Thrustmaster T2 wheel works but
% not the pedals. When I go into the controller setup in Win95, I cannot
% select the Pedals options. But I can calibrate them. Strange.
% As soon as I get into F1RS, the pedals are not working. What's the
% problem?
Try Thrustmaster's ProPanel applet.
Make sure your wheel is the #1 ID installed unit and remove all other
controllers. Once you get it hooked up and calibrated try playing with
the different options under the properties for this device. Try
Throttle or Rudder under the properties for the device.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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