> I used to sim a lot, got tired of it a few months ago and sold my MOMO
> Force for $40 more than i paid for it. Well now I'm itching to play
> Rfactor and GTlegends and I dont have a wheel. I saw pcmagazine list the
> Rallye Thrusmaster wheel as a great gift only they didnt seem to notice
> there is nowhere to buy it in USA.
> Is it worth waiting for this wheel? If not, what wheel should I get? Thanks.
Let me direct you guys to the RSC message board, where this wheel has
been discussed recently:
According to at least one person who owns the wheel and posts there,
the Rallye has some driver issues that have yet to be sorted out,
resulting in poor FF performance and CPU usage. The actual unit itself
is pretty nice construction wise, however. I guess by the time it's
available in the U.S., they might have all the driver bugs worked
out....we can hope!