Hello All Sim Gurus` <g>
I run the 'Thrustmaster\Quillemot Ferrari FF Race Wheel' with all my
wheeled race sims. I also can only use my wheel paddles for gas and
brake {right paddle=gas, left paddle=brake} I'm trying to setup GP3
so my right paddle will be for my gas and left paddle for brake but I
can not seem to get GP3 to recognize my right paddle
I did everything in Options to make a "custom" wheel in "advanced"
but only the "A horziontal" and "A vertical" is recognized! Why cant
I get the "B horizontal" & "B vertical" recognized to run in calibrate?
I have tried everything I can think of but it just won't recognize and
calibrate the "B".. I am also using "analog" and not "switched" in the
setup. Is there a patch? a fix? a site for the answer? or am I leaving
something out in the setup?
Any & All Help Will Be Apreciated.. Tia... Thom_j.
"Once we got out of the 80s, the 90s made the
60s look like the 50s".. { Huey Walker..;0).}