Some games get bad reviews if the learning curve is too hard. Some magazines
that scored GPL on its merits as a sim gave it high marks. Other
"respectable"magazines gave it medium level marks because it took too long to
master. The same has happened with Falcon 4.0.
Some games that appear to have complex strategies and a myriad options, like
Alpha Centauri, get incredibly high marks. Why I don't know when even Alpha can
be beaten on it highest difficulty setting by a semi competent player the first
time they play it.
There are very few games released that really have any challenge to them. There
is always a simple strategy that once learnt will undermine a games AI and
remove the challenge that may of existed. Most sport sims, including the
excellent ones form EA< sufer from this. With the Fifa games for instance,
there is always a set of moves that allow you to score goals with relatively
little effort.
Good car sims, like GPL, are the only real challenge left for hard core gamers
who want replay value from their purchase.
I will now get off my soap box and back to SCGT.....
> > - It's a little hard to "finish" a race once the results are posted -
> > I have to hit escape several times before it will stop putting up the
> > "do you want to quit?" message and process the race results.
> Never had this problem even the one time I finished 2nd.
> > If you can drive a car, you'll feel at home in this game
> > (something Papyrus would do well to remember - gameplay balance
> > matters, even in a sim).
> But thats not exactly true. Just because you can drive a personal car does
> NOT mean you can drive a 1967 Grand Prix car. Heck, just because you can
> drive a 1999 Formula1 car doesn't necessarily mean you can drive a '67 GP
> car really well. About time games started making it a challenge for people
> and not just instant gratification.