On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 02:30:59 +0200, "Marijan"
The only tracks I'm experiencing the " loose wheel " is Dega and daytona.
The other tracks are " loose " but not as bad.
To get the car to go straight ( dega, tona) my wheel is turned at the 11
and 5 o'clock position. ( \ ) When I enter a turn there is no steering
left until I hit the 8 and 2 o'clock position ( / ) and then the FB
kicks in. And no its not the camber or setup that is causing this... It's a
software bug. A Known bug!.
Funny thing is, as soon as I leave the server the FB kicks in and the wheel
tightens up and moves itself to the proper position. 9 and 3 o'clock. But as
soon as I enter a server.. the FB lets go and feels like there is no spring
tension. And yes, the FB in game is set to the max.
One way I found to combat this problem is, and only works one time.
Before I boot my pc, I'll have to unplug the wheel. (no power going to the
FB). When I enter a server. Enter the track. I'll plug the wheel in and the
FB is tightens up and all is well. Downside. If the host resets, I'm
screwed. If I leave the server and enter another, the wheel will go back to
being loose.
Dunno why???
> Marc
> > Steering was OK in 1.0 version,but after I installed patch my
> > steering wheel feel changed. It become loose around center.
> > It happens just around center. It feels like FF is off, but just around
> > center of the wheel. I was looking in ini files but I found nothing. Does
> > anyone how to make it more stiff around center?
> > I have Logitech Wingman Formula Force and 4.25 drivers.