>Jesus Christ doesn't want you to use such Pagan simulators or you
>won't go to heaven ! Give it up or go to HELL ! ! ! !
You're right, it is a false religion and we'll all burn (*** <vwg>) in
hell for it!
"If you wanna go to heaven (do, da, do), you gotta raise a little
(name that song<g>)
> >Jesus Christ doesn't want you to use such Pagan simulators or you
> >won't go to heaven ! Give it up or go to HELL ! ! ! !
> Sign me up for hell then..
> Todd Wasson
>> Jesus Christ doesn't want you to use such Pagan simulators or you
>> won't go to heaven ! Give it up or go to HELL ! ! ! !
> "If you wanna go to heaven (do, da, do), you gotta raise a little
> hell...."
> (name that song<g>)
>>> Jesus Christ doesn't want you to use such Pagan simulators or you
>>> won't go to heaven ! Give it up or go to HELL ! ! ! !
>> "If you wanna go to heaven (do, da, do), you gotta raise a little
>> hell...."
>> (name that song<g>)
Thus if you want to engage in a little silliness on his
account, make sure to trim that group out of the
header first. :-)
Yeah, I noticed that right when I posted.....oops.
> >>> Jesus Christ doesn't want you to use such Pagan simulators or you
> >>> won't go to heaven ! Give it up or go to HELL ! ! ! !
> >> "If you wanna go to heaven (do, da, do), you gotta raise a little
> >> hell...."
> >> (name that song<g>)
all i can say for you, Bruno Beam, is "such a poor mis-guided soul"
And, oh, in the summer when you hear the Thunder from a summer rain, just
remember thats God and Dale, Sr. racing their simulators. 8-D
yeah, took the email associated and did a Google Group search....
he's been trolling all over the place making a royal pest of himself...
even at Star Trek!! {-P
> Where does He stand on EA games?
> ++
> Fillyourboots