Are you referring to the "bumper view"? That's not in-car, that's a bumper
view with nothing onscreen but the track. Correct me if I'm wrong here...
cause we'd all love to know!
Uhm, I believe that stuff is always on (tire wear and oil changes). At
least, I remember them being there anyhow... and yes, I usually change the
oil after a couple of races, as it gets a little brownish (from green of all
things, yeah I know... green oil heh).
I don't discount GT3 as a sim just because it doesn't have an incar view...
but I think a "sim" should certainly include that. I do think no damage
modeling an not effect for wrecking your car certainly would have to
discount any game the "sim" label. I mean, how could that not possibly
discount it of "sim"?
But moreover, I think the physics of the game are WAAAAY of on the higher
end cars. Have you gotten those yet? I mean, dude... their isn't even
anything remotely close to being a sim.
I don't think having a lot of cars and tracks and types of races makes
anything a "sim" and to me, that's all I really see there. I mean, depth
does not make a racing game a "sim" IMO.
> No in-car? Guess you haven't found the options yet, huh? I run in-car
> the time. There are also various options for replay viewing. Definitely
> "sim" for PS2, just as GT1 (a bit hokey, but a start) and GT2 (better) on
> PS1 were. Have you gotten to tire wear and oil changes yet?
> --
> Chris H.
> > I have some console friends who always refer to GT3 as a "sim". They
> > I'm a sim racer and they like to think that I think it is, but I really
> > don't. It has no in-car view, it has no damage modeling, and quite
> honestly,
> > when you get the faster cars, the physics do not at all seem realistic.
> > These are just some of the things I think are quite needed to be called
> > "sim".
> > After playing Grand Prix Legends, Nascar 4, Viper Racing and the like,
> when
> > I play GT3 with my friends I can't help but think "arcade".
> > So my questions are...
> > 1. Do you think GT3 is a "sim". If so, why? If not, then tell me why on
> > earth would console racers refer to it as such?
> > I should say, the only racer that I've ever thought of as a "sim" or
> > "sim-like" was Ferrari F355 Challenge on the Dreamcast.
> > --
> > Chad Sparks
> > ICQ: 7239307