P.S. Considering other people with the same wheel as me have reported
the exact same problems I would think it safe to assume it is a
problem with the game and not user error. That makes you a***head
and a ***.
P.S. Considering other people with the same wheel as me have reported
the exact same problems I would think it safe to assume it is a
problem with the game and not user error. That makes you a***head
and a ***.
> >That makes you a***head and a ***.
> MMM.. think of the possibilities..
Chuck Kandler
Windows is just a virus with a GUI
Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
% >To defend rrevved there was this quote too:
% >
% >F1F: Well how about I present it to you this way. I have Formula Ford
% >experience, and the way I felt about GP3 was that the handling
% >characteristics are still not like what I am used to with an open wheeled
% >car.
% >
% >JC: No. They're not accurate at all. [Chris and Tony shaking their heads]
% I read that as well. It sounds like they are all having a good old joke
% at GP3's expense. It is non-professional, particularly when it comes
% from people who have produced NO racing sims.
F****** H. C***** give it a rest. Someone looked at you and you are now
certain they hate your guts..... Quit reading what you WANT to read
into it and go take a breather..... You weren't there, you don't know
what was going on, who was looking at who, what their *** expressions
were, etc.....
A tad too touchy and defensive..... When this happens I sometimes
wonder just why one must be so defensive....
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Geez..self procreation of imbeciles. Eeek!
> > >You just can be wrong can you. Have you ever considerd that it may just
> be a
> > >funny situation that Mr Crooke was explaining, and they were just
> enjoying
> > >themselves, or do you really believe they were all having a good old
> laugh
> > >about GP3, I suspect if it was a slag of GP3 chat that there would have
> been
> > >a lot more to it. The rest of the interview is full of laughs and good
> > >humour, but you have just assumed, wrongly in my opinion that they
> > >(WestBros) hated GP3.
> > "You just touch the throttle and
> > you go around. I couldn't even take-off down the straight. I've
> driven
> > thirty years in formula cars [1986 Australian F2 Champion], and
> that's
> > never happened to me. I couldn't even get that thing down to the
> first
> > corner! [everyone laughing] It's a complete fabrication of the
> fact."
> > Sounds to me like they think GP3 is a joke. I find -them- really
> > humorous since they have -never- produced a sim.
> > I will be the -first- to congratulate them if they pull off what
> > they are working on, but maybe between now and then they
> > should go code or something.
> > >> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 19:08:21 +0100, "Mike Cain"
> > >> >Perhaps you may like to read the interview again. That comment is
> > >Jon
> > >> >Crooke from Hyperstim and not from the WestBros. So still dont want
> > >take
> > >> >it back?
> > >> Were they laughing?
> > >> >> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:47:14 +0100, "Mike Cain"
> > >> >> >I have read the interview, and as far as I can remember I ddidnt
> see
> > >the
> > >> >> >WestBros slag of another developer, in fact they praised GP3 and
> GPL,
> > >and
> > >> >I
> > >> >> >do believe at the end they did mention that they hadnt done
> anything,
> > >so
> > >> >> >they had to prove themselves yet.
> > >> >> They said this, while laughing, in the interview:
> > >> >> "To drive a high powered, open-wheeled race car is actually very
> easy.
> > >> >> But to drive it at the limit is very hard. To drive it at ? of
> > >> >> limit, I'd have a ball because I would make the car very easy to
> > >> >> drive. You can squeeze the throttle, steer the back out, it's as
> > >> >> smooth as that. Now Grand Prix 3, hasn't modeled that properly
> > >> >> The latest beta which is a week old, or maybe two weeks old; the
> > >> >> 'break away' point is just too sudden. You just touch the
> and
> > >> >> you go around. I couldn't even take-off down the straight. I've
> driven
> > >> >> thirty years in formula cars [1986 Australian F2 Champion], and
> that's
> > >> >> never happened to me. I couldn't even get that thing down to the
> first
> > >> >> corner! [everyone laughing] It's a complete fabrication of the
> fact."
> > >> >> >So perhaps you may wish to take that comment back?
> > >> >> Nope.
"It depends on your cpu. With that patch that removes the frame rate
cap I get low 30's on a P3 800. I tested it using Fraps
(www.fraps.com) so if you don't have a P3 800 or there abouts you
won't see much improvement over 25fps unless you turn off some of the
textures. What cpu do you have?"
its not hard to see that you think a PII800 is what you need to get
anything more than 25.6
Look the tone of all your posts and all your 'considered' arguments speaks
for itself. Your one of those typical, "I have no ***ing clue, buit I'll
enforce my ignorance on the rest of you" type attitudes. Whatever, you
can't setup your hardware. Good. Your a genius. You also forgot to mention
how you always race ONE-HANDED. Btw, your argument style is very convincing
> >Yeah, but the best fps you can get out of a P2 800 is low 30s (with the
> >patch I helped develop) so your a real expert when it comes to hardware
> >setup aren't you.
> Considering I set it to run at that frame rate that is what one would
> expect to get, no?***head.
> --
> Nos
No, I simply forgot that that utility puts a frame rate cap in the
game also. But, I see the frame rate go as low as 18fps in the first
turn anyway, so yes, a P3 800+ would be desirable if you want
consistent high frame rates and dont't want to see sub 10fps in the
first turn.
You want to do some benchmarking to see just what I do know ***?
Put your money where your mouth is ***wit.
P.S. Sounds to me like little Barry Uber Geek has his knickers in a
twist because I criticized his favourite sim. Boohoo...
You know what's stupid little Barry Uber Geek. Me and you wasting time
talking to each other. Enjoy your pathetic life as little Barry Uber
Geek, another *** creating buggy software for the masses. Have a nice
> >Ohhhh, did you get a little bitty upset. Poor boy. You forgot did you,
> >well, these things happen, especially if your a bit ***ing stupid in
> >first place.
> You know what's stupid little Barry Uber Geek. Me and you wasting time
> talking to each other. Enjoy your pathetic life as little Barry Uber
> Geek, another *** creating buggy software for the masses. Have a nice
> day.
> --
> Nos
Weird. Get help, quick.
> >Your right, its plainly obvious your biggest contribution to society
> >be your death!
> Weird. Get help, quick.
> --
> Nos
That's OK, I have thick skin to match my thick head. :-)