> Thanks for the tips, guys. I read the Apex track guide about five times
> last night, and practiced for a couple of hours, and now I'm turning
> pretty consistent 1:31-1:32 laps in the G3 car, with no aids. 8
> seconds slower than the big boys, but I'm not spinning out much
> anymore. Bringing up my speed through the corners is going to be a
> gradual process. Part of the problem is that the gauges are unreadable,
> making it hard to set a consistent target entry speed.
> When I do lose it, I still can't recover. Some of the countersteering
> exhibitions I've seen in fast lap replays amaze me.
> Anyway, back to the original point of this thread, I don't think the
> driving aids are all that necessary even for novices, at least not
> novices with wheels. Just some good advice and some practice. I hope
> the full game ships with a driving guide, to give novices without net
> access a fighting chance.