Most racing cars did not (and maybe still don't) have speedometers. RPM was
certainly more important to observe but a driver would know how fast he was
travelling in top for the particular gear ratio used on a partivular circuit
(x mph per 1000rpm at drive shaft).
I use this method in a pre-metric car I drive....I've marked the tacho at
points corresponding to 60, 80, 100 and 110 kph in top gear. With the tacho
checked for accuracy this is an extremely effective method of not being
picked up by the laser speed camera.
> I have run the demo for some time,and haven't been able to
> understand if there's a speedometer in any of the cars,and
> in the cars which it is.,and if there is one at all?
> The only time I seem to have found any legible info about
> speed is when pressing F10......
> The dials on the dashboard are too blurry to read even at 1024X768,
> and the readme file didn't say anything about it ,as far as I could see.
> The big thing in the middle ought to be the RPM.meter,as far as I have
> understood,and there's oil pressure and something else...but speed?
> Thanks,
> Robert S?derberg
> If replying by mail,remove the word INGENSPAM from the adress.
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