I have just two words for you...
slapyerselfupside thehead! You are plenty smart to come here AFTER the
purchase and ask about a program. Why didn't you come here FIRST???
don't worry, you are NOT the Lone Ranger here.
No N99 does not support opengl, why?...and I must repeat why?...do
supposed gpl'ers and Papy racers in general continue to purchase TNT
So you have a tnt, your only recourse is to return N99 and get N3 or
NL. Havas/Sierra/Papyrus have a history of abandoning a product once a
newer product has been released. You will NEVER see a 3dfx patch for
ICR2(I bet you'll never see a CART sim from Papyrus) You won't ever see
the promised 3dfx patch for SODA. GPL's open gl patch never got past a
beta release. If it gets finished, I'll eat this email. :)
Papyrus is currently fixated on improving the online play in N3 and
then producing some sort of pay to race arena for possible use with N4.
N99 is ancient history.
dave henrie
> Hi folks,
> I've got GPL, and they did a "beta" of an OpenGL driver for those of us with
> TNT cards and so forth. It may be a "beta" they have no intention of
> upgrading, but it works great for me.
> Well, I bought NASCAR 1999 on the weekend, and as with all Papyrus/Sierra
> games, no support for OpenGL/D3D.
> Anyone know of how I can get better graphic support? My card is only months
> old!
> Thanks so much,
> Greg