stinks big style on my machine (P3550, Annihilator Pro, 256MB RAM)
it seems some of you out there are getting along with what on paper are
inferior video cards.
My thoughts are gravitating towards there being an issue with the Geforce
card - any thoughts out there in sim land on this one?
When the frame rate occasionally improves, I will concede that there appears
to be quite an exciting racer lurking in the undergrowth.
I'm willing to be that it won't be long before we see an official patch.
On the whole though, I can't say I'm wildly optimistic about getting this
game to work as it should. Like many of you, I'm still recovering from the
stygian depths of depression I went through in trying to get an acceptable
result from Nascar Revolution.
Come on EA Sports, prove to use all that you are not merely interested in
selling a good looking box.