I read about differences between real time, replay-time and displayed time
in GPL recently inthe newsgroup.
As a physist, I wanted to measure it myself. Yesterday, I did. I was doing
a race at Monza against 19 AI-cars. My system is AMD K6-300 MHz,
VOODOO2-Banshee and I get about 20-25 fps except at the start of the race.
I found out following:
- If I view a replay-lap, it takes about 1 or 2 sec. longer than the time
that is displayed.
- During the race, the real time (repeatedly measured with a stopwatch)
for one lap was MORE THAN TWO MINUTES!!!!!
I must admit that I crashed a few times during the laps that I measured
(due to operating the stopwatch that I had attached to my wheel..), but
the slowest lap was reported as 1:50.XX)
Now I have some questions:
- Has anyone noticed the same?
- Is it typical for GPL 1.1 or also present in GPL 1.0?
- Will the timing be allright if you have 36 fps all the time?
- Will it be solved in GPL 1.2
drs. H.G.R. Monsees
tel : 035-6 83 33 80
GSM : 06-23 57 92 48
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